Puneet Srivastava

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Recent posts by Puneet Srivastava

Hi Bhakti

You need 3 resources to prepare for IBM 833.

1. UML Distilled (or any UML2.0 book with details on new diagrams like composite structure, timing, interaction overview etc).
2. Craig Larman's 3rd Edition book to understand the RUP (specially 4+1 view, architect anaylsis, Use case analysis etc, Entity, Controller, Boundry classes and its purpose etc)
3. Most Import source of all. Rational Method Composer (RMC). Search internet for IBM RMC and download this from IBM website. Once installed (with a free registered ID), open the tool and launch help -> RMC Process Browser. In the process browser, click on tab 'team' -> 'Disciplines' -> 'Analysis & Design'. Find out 833 exam objectives under Analysis and Design and read it throughly.

Once prepartion is done, do some mock questions.

Good luck
Hi all

I cleared IBM 833 yesterday. I was wondering if you need to clear both 833 and 834 to get the IBM OOAD certificate or there are seperate certificates for both 833 and 834.

Hi All

I cleared IBM OOAD 833 exam today. I scored 100% in the exam. Thanks to all the help provided in this forum. My main study material was UML Distilled, Craig Larman and most important RMC topics.

I will start prepartion for 834 soon.

HI Prakash

I am pasting my post after i cleared 399 exam here. You can download JSR 168 spec from following website



HI All

I cleared IBM Portal 399 exam today with 80% marks. I know this is not a great score, but I would take it because I did not have any experience in portal development/RAD etc. I spend 3 weeks preparing for this exam and around 2-3 hours daily.

Let me first thank Java Ranch for helping me in clearing this exam and also Cameron Mckenzie. Cameron has put a great site for portal and his tutorials on portal concept are great. I would strongly suggest every one, who does not have RAD hands on experience, to go through his video tutorials and then take the mock tests.

My Exam preparation was based on following resources:
1. This test is heavily based on JSR 168 specs. So understanding JSR 168 APIs are must.
2. Chapters (2,3,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,,19,20,26,30,31,33) in sg246681.pdf
3. RAD 6.0 info center. Just read the topic �Developing Portal applications� http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/rtnlhelp/v6r0m0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.rational.rad.books/icwelcome_product_rad.htm
4. Mock exams from Cameron�s website

That�s all from my side.
Good luck to all the aspirants for this exam


Hi Faraz

Congrates Man!! how much you scored in 833 exam and how was the test. Was it very tough? I have taken a date on 8th Sept. Lets see how it goes.

Hi All

The objectives of exam 834 are all from RMC. I just want to make sure if its enough to read the RMC topics as per exam objectives or i need to read anything else also.

Hi Ajay

I am not sure why you are getting file corrupted error. When i downloaded, the download was OK but installation was hanging. I am sure you must have tried downloading the file again from home. If not then try again and see if it helps.

I am not sure what else i can suggest.

Hi Ajay

I think there is only once place to download RMC (IBMIM_RMC_win32.exe) and that is IBM website. I used the link
"http://www-01.ibm.com/software/awdtools/rmc/" to download. As you mentioned that you were able to download it but not install it, the problem seems to be in the installation process and not the downloaded exe.

I faced the same problem while installing it in the office. The installation hanged every time in tried from office. I was not sure what was the reason, but i tried at home and it installed properly. I think installation needs some extra files which it tries to download from internet. Make sure you dont have any firewall etc setup at your home. Disable any firewall etc and try again. It may be possible that your home antivirus system is blocking the connection from the installation to internet. Check that too.

Good luck
Hi Ajay

My suggestion is to search the Java Ranch for "IBM 833" and you will find around 20-25 postings. Every post gives you vauable information about the study, material and everything.

To start go to "http://www-03.ibm.com/certify/tests/obj833.shtml" and check out exam 833 details. I think you need to give 833 before attempting 834.

Good luck
Hi all

Could any of the successful candidate please tell me if in the 833 exam we get questions where multiple answers can be true (check boxes in front of answers) or all the questions have only one answer (radio buttons)?

If there could be multiple answers true, does the question mention how many correct answers we need to pick.

I am planning to give this exam in 2 weeks and would really appreciate some response on this

Hi All

I am preparing for IBM 833 certification. Could any one please point me to any website for free mock questions for this certification.

thanks in advance
Hi Faraz

Could you please clarify following doubts of mine.

1.Could you please point out the chapters you would recommend from Craig Larmen's book.

2. Also i downloaded RMC yesterday and had a look at the "Analysis & Design discipline". There are lots of items under this section. Could you please specify which items i should concentrate on from Analysis & Design discipline.

thanks in advance
Hi Amit

Sure you get questions on APIs. for example.

1. getLocales() method is called on which interface
2. how to you pass render parameters to doXX methods.

My suggestion would be to take the printout of APIs and revise them daily for 5 min. This will give you lots of confidence and you will better understand JSR 168 specs also.

good luck
Hi Amit

I downloaded portlet-1_0-prd-javadoc.zip from the internet and went through the methods for each interface. Also i read the portlet-1_0-fr-spec.pdf.

sg246681.pdf you need to read for Cooperative portlets, Portlet Services, Credential vaults, Struts and JSF portlets, Skin and Themes, and some of the installation concepts. I am not sure why its not mentioned in the study material by IBM

The way i approached my preparation is this.
1. Read thoroughly JSR 168 Spec.
2. Once I underdstood the concepts of JSR 168 Interfaces/classes, then I read through the methods provided by each of these interface.
3. Read only the chapters i mentioned in my earlier post from sg246681.pdf. You can skip the chapters for JSR 168 because you are already reading portlet-1_0-fr-spec.pdf.
4. As i didn't have any portlet and RAD experience, i went through Camron Mackenize website and saw/understood video tutorials.
5. At last did mock tests from Camron's site.

thats all.

Good luck
Hi All

I am preparing for IBM 833 and through this forum i got to know that i need to read Rational Method Composer help. I installed it last night and went through the help via "help -> RMC Process Browser. In the process browser, clicked on tab 'team' -> 'Disciplines' -> 'Analysis & Design'".

Now under Analysis and Design there are around 50 topics. Do i need to go through each one of them or there are some important onces to concentrate on.

Any reply from a sucessful candidate will help us all, who are preparing for this exam.

thanks in adavance