Mohamed Inayath

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since Nov 22, 2004
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Could you add the code snippet which is used to call the Myjsp from servlet.

Also the action value of the form from Myjsp.
15 years ago

If I have to do a sanity check, like for example lenght check, null check or in this case character check.
I have to post a request from the client to server if its invalid then again post the request with a change.

Will it not be feasible to have basic sanity check on the client side and have a pure business check validation at the server side.
15 years ago

1. You can do the validation in the client side.
2. You can do the validation(business) in the server side within servlet

15 years ago

Nishan Patel wrote:

I think that would not happen.

When you click back and perform operation which required login or session and if you remove session for application then it's always redirect login page...

Yes you are right when any operation is done on the previous page when already session is invalidated.

But if you see the below comment; Sudhakar Kumar wants to know why when browser back is selected he is able to see the previous screen.
If he has set not to cache.

But in all pages I maintian No cache, then no point to maintain the cache..

So When user selects browser back there is GET request to the server.
15 years ago

Try changing the url-pattern like below :

15 years ago
When you select browser back then there will be a GET request invoked to the orgin server with the URL used previusuly.
If you have a workflow in place then you get everything right or the previous page will not be displayed.
15 years ago

Is it feasible to store user information within cookie?

15 years ago

Sudhakar Kumar wrote:When after I go back to previous page and hit any operation, it's still working. I don't know why the session is still keeping.

With your comment its understood that you are invalidating the session.
When you say , you selected previous page, did you selected Browser back?

If this is the case its Browser cache which is getting displayed.

How you are saying that session is still keeping?
15 years ago
Yes we can send sendredirect.

But what do you mean by continously?
15 years ago
What is the Application Server you are using?

In tomcat we have an option to share the context between the applications
if both applications reside in a same server.
15 years ago

But your earlier attachment wrt the says a package definition : classes.

This time I believe you have removed that.
15 years ago
If you could see in the error stack trace, its saying java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: calci (wrong name: classes/calci)

And if you see web.xml you have defined the servlet class as :

Which should be

Besides the class name should start with a Capital letter.
15 years ago

Ravi Pavan wrote:Thanks Mohammed

Rather it should be pageContext.forward("/resource.jsp");

Is there any difference in what i specified and what you suggested ??

And i am using this inside the servlet , and not in jsp

Difference is highlighted in bold.

And the other difference is mentioned by Balu above.
15 years ago

Have a look of PageContext API.

We dont have any static method forward within PageContext Class, so the error.

Rather it should be pageContext.forward("/resource.jsp");
Assuming you are using within a JSP.
15 years ago

I believe you submitting the HTML form to a Servlet.
Then retrieve the value from request and set it to the Java class.

15 years ago