Devendra Dave

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since Nov 24, 2004
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Recent posts by Devendra Dave

Thanks everyone for the reply.
Could you please reply some one .
Thanks in advance
Hello All,
I have passed SCEA on Java EE 5 (beta) in year 2008 and now I want to take the OCMJEA for Java EE 5 upgrade path.

As per the oracle website I am eligible for this by giving the objective upgrade exam(1Z0-868).

I want to know whether can I take the OCMJEA for Java EE 5 upgrade path. Is it useful?
If yes what are the books/links/materials can I refer to? Is some one has taken this upgrade path?

Also, any help regarding this is appreciated and thanks in advance.

1) Can't afford (No, can't take SCEA)

I have given SCEA Java EE 5 beta exam without any cost by Sun.

Hello all,
I am interested to see the new SOA forum on the javaranch where one can discuss regarding the SOA. Please let me know your thoughts and will request some moderator to immediately start the SOA forum on Java ranch. Currently things related to SOA topic are scatters across various forums like web services, other certifications etc.

Hope every one likes this.

16 years ago
This is what I have received from IBM regarding dropping 664 and coming with 669.

Devendra Dave,
Information re Test 669 (skills measured on the test, training resources, etc.) will only be available on the date in Oct. the certification will be made generally available.

The cost for Test 669 in 2008 will be $150 in developed countries, and $75 in the emerging market countries ... same as Test 664.

As the SOA technology evolves, aligning certifications will become available. Test 664 was made available in late 2006 based on 2006 technology. The certification earned as a result of passing Test 664 will be good indefinitely, but only valid for the down-level SOA technology. Test 669 will be based on 2008 technology.

Helene Untch
WW Certification Program Manager � IBM WebSphere, SOA & XML
[email protected]
905-413-5582 (Fax: -4751) T/L 313-5582
IBM Toronto Lab, Floor X3-X45, Dept XUC
8200 Warden Ave., Markham Ont, L6G 1C7, Canada


So Looks like they are dropping 664 and giving 669. But nothing mentioned regarding the objectives etc. Does any one knows what SOA 2008 standards they are talking about?

Devendra Dave
SCEA, TOGAF 8 Certified
Hello all,
I was planning to take the IBM Certified SOA Associate exam 664. But from the following link I came to know that it is getting retired.

Could you please let me know is it better to take the 664 or

IBM Certified SOA Associate [2008]
Test 669, SOA Fundamentals

which is coming in October 2008.

Please let me know the guidelines links, learning material etc for 664/669

Thanks & Regards
D Dave
I have submitted my assignment today to Sun for the SCEA Beta 5 Part II.

I have used my gmail email address instead of my registered company address. Is there will be something wrong in this. Because my company email address will not allow me to attach the files more than 1 MB.

Hence I have to used the gmail address.

Also do we get any confirmation email regarding assignment submission from SUN.

Thanks & Regards
Devendra Dave
My mistake Correction...


The name of your submission JAR/ZIP archive should be derived from your testing ID Your archive filename must be scea-AAAAAAAAAAA.jar; AAAAAAAA is your testing ID

I was working on the SCEA Beta 5 assignment and saw the following in the email in which they have sent me the assignment pdf.
Email Text

When you have completed the 311-301A Free Assignment - Part II beta, please zip it up, attach it to an email with the subject line "311-301A Part II Beta", and send it to [email protected] with your:

Last Name:
Prometric Id Number:
Number of hours it took you to complete the assignment:

But inside the PDF they have mentioned this to zip or jar the file and sent it to them.


When you have completed the 311-301A Free Assignment - Part II beta, please zip it up, attach it to an email with the subject line "311-301A Part II Beta", and send it to [email protected] with your:

Last Name:
Prometric Id Number:
Number of hours it took you to complete the assignment:

I am confused whether to follow the instruction of pdf file or email text.
Please reply as I am about to submit my test.

Thanks & Regards
D Dave
I am going to USA next month and currently citizen of India. My assignment there will be around six month. I was preparing for the SCEA and had not buy the voucher yet.

Is it possible that I can buy a voucher in USA for SCEA PART 1 and passed it in USA and remaining exams (2nd part and 3rd Part) buy it from India and passed the remaining parts once I come back to India?

Please let me know.

Thanks in advance
I am currently understanding the design patterns using the GOF as well as Head First design patterns. I am able to understand most of the design patterns using Head First book but found difficulty in understanding the patterns which are not get covered in Head First like Bridge, Builder , Chain of Responsibility etc. Could you please suggest some links which talks about these patterns in details with sample java code.

Thanks in advance

I checked the site nothing is mentioned stating more than on answers is correct or not. Also solution description is contradicting. It says first correct answers are A, C and D but in solution description itself it says that choice C is incorrect. Please check this statement.
"Choice C is incorrect because using Container Managed Persistence will increase the portability of the Enterprise Bean and should be used wherever possible."

Could any one provide me the correct answers for this questions
I may be wrong.

Thanks & Regards
I think the answer is D.
I think the correct answers are
A and C
Please let me know if it is wrong