Abhi Bharade

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since Nov 25, 2004
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Recent posts by Abhi Bharade

Hi Timber Lee,

Try My Eclipse. its really great. it has got jsp editor too along with pluggin for many app servers. Works really fast. Actually i found Lomboz pluggin very slow for jsps.
But its not free(costs $30). Any way u can see its great features if u want, within 30 days trial, before u think of getting the license.

18 years ago

Is there any way to reload an application in JBOSS server. I want to reload a specific application again . The problem is that there are many application running and it nearly takes 2 mins to stop and start the server.

Thnx in adv.

18 years ago
A servlet which is meant to run as soon as tomcat(5.5.7) starts is getting loaded twice and generates exception the second time.
19 years ago
Hi all!

I installed(Extracted the tar file) in root directory.
Set the CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME pointing to Tomcat 5 and jdk1.3.0.1 respectively.

I ran the startup.sh file, not error msgs came. Now when i hit my server using http://localhost:8080/ or http://my-ip:8080/ or http://my_comp_name:8080/
iget an alert

"Connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost:8080"

Please suggest.

19 years ago
Can we have our own server.xml at a desired location.

19 years ago

This is the way i resolved the problem, the way Mike advised.

I changed the path of ROOT context from path="" to path="blah-blah"

placed the login.jsp in my-app root folder.

also changed the path attribute in context of my-app from path="/my-app" to path="".

Made an entry of login.jsp in the welcome listing.

Previously stated by Mike

Alternately, if you want to keep your application where it is, then just use HTML tricks to move people along.
Inside of $CATALINA_HOME/ROOT , put an index.html that has nothing but a meta-refresh or javascript refresh to your login page.


It worked without doing any such thing.

Thanx to all.

Keep Rocking.
19 years ago
Thanx a lot to Roel, Mike and Ramaswamy for your advise.
19 years ago
Thanks a lot for the advise.

But isnt there a way in which i dont need to move the directory.

19 years ago
I want to disable tomcats index page. And want to display my login.jsp situated in "login" folder.

Please suggest.
19 years ago
Hey Bill!
u r not answerin my Question!!!
I am waitin here for four hours trying here n there.

Please Reply soon
19 years ago
I am shifting my application from Weblogic to Tomcat. And iam having problem of fixing the working directory.This is how I did it in WebLogic.


What is the parallel thing in In Tomcat 5.

Please advise.

19 years ago