Senthil Kumar N

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since Nov 30, 2004
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Recent posts by Senthil Kumar N

Can u send this jboss tutorial to me..

my email id is [email protected]
19 years ago
Hi Mat,

What you said only I thought, but after executing it in Tomcat I get the out like this BBUBBUBUB(bound bound unbound bound unbound unbound).

For the setAttribute in the api it is given as

If an object was already bound to this session of this name that implements HttpSessionBindingListener, its HttpSessionBindingListener.valueUnbound method is called.

If the value passed in is null, this has the same effect as calling removeAttribute().

Mat can you clear my doubts clearly. How the flow will be.


Hi Kapil

Rancher's helped a lot things. I think answer given for mock question 55 is wrong. Actual output will be BBUBBUBUB, but in ans it is given as BBUBUB.

how we can arrive is

setAttribute with new Object ---> gives B
setAttribute with new Object ---> gives B
setAttribute ---> gives UB since object already bound to the session so valueUnbound will be called.
then it will call the value bound for
the new value ---> gives B
removeAttribute will call the valueUnbound so it
will print ---> UBUB

so the output will be BBUBBUBUB for clear picture i will put like this to avoid confusion -B--B--UB--B--UB--UB- (bound for "-B-" and for unbound "-UB-".

to get the output of the book answer we should remove one of setAttribute with new Object

please help me out if i have made any error


Given this list of attributes:

-related to Business Delegate
-improves network performance
-can improve client performance through caching

Which design patten is being described?

A Transfer Object
B Service Locator
C Front Controller
D Intercepting Filter
E Model-View-Controller

Answer given is B

why can't it be answer A since Transfer Object reduces network traffic
can anyone explain which would be correct answer.

If I put the XML schema like this it works fine for me

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<taglib xmlns=""

but in HFSJ it is given as

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<taglib xmlns=""

Can anybody explain what is the significance of both.
where i am going wrong. I am using tomcat 5.5.9 version.



After shutting down the webapps and starting it works fine. I have configured as auto reloading so i told its not working. Thanks for guiding me.


Regarding mock exam you can get from this link


The question from Jwebplus

request.setAttribute("names", new String[]{ "A", "B", "C" } );
request.setAttribute("index", "1");
<h1><!-- insert code here --></h1>
Which of the following statements will print B in inserted in the above JSP page?

Select 3 correct options
a ${names.1}
b ${names[1]}
c ${names.index}
d ${names[index]}
e ${names.$index}
f ${names[$index]}

ans given is b,c,d

while I try the code for ${names[1]} and d ${names[index]} i am getting the expected result but for ${names.index} i am getting the error message as

" The "." operator was supplied with an index value of type "java.lang.String" to be applied to a List or array, but that value cannot be converted to an integer. "

Can anybody tell what are the correct option for this questions?

I have a doubt regarding this scenario

I have added the this tag in web.xml

if you do so El should be disabled.

In the ROOT webapps i have the code like

<h1>Hello EL</h1>

if i try like this http://localhost/jspex/test5.jsp?command=Hi

Hi is printing. But as per spec we shouldn't get. Why I am getting Hi print.
Anybody can explain it.

Thanks for the suggesting.

Can you suggest any good site ? and also which book �

Hi pals

Regarding J2ee patterns which book or materials i have to go through for real exams. core j2ee patterns 2 nd edition is needed or HFSJ is enough.
Anybody can guide me how to proceed for this chapter

I m also getting same msg... sorry .... access is not possible

my email id is [email protected] or [email protected]

Which of the following implicit variables should be used by a jsp page to access a resource and to forward a request to another jsp page?

a pageContext and config

b application and config

c config and pageContext

d application for both

e config for both.

both b and d option are correct. But we have to choose only one option. Can anyone explain in detail how to answer this kind of questions.