ffew wafew

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since Nov 30, 2004
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Thanks for the response. But actually, I'm looking specifically for installing Sun's J2EE Reference Implementation onto my Mac OS X. Since things like the deploytool are only available on the Reference Implementation.
20 years ago
I'm in the first tutorial on "Head First EJB", and it calls for me to install J2EE 1.3 along with the Sun Reference Implementation onto my computer. Problem is, I cannot find a version of J2EE 1.3 for Mac OS X on Sun's website (http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.3/download.html#sdk). However, screenshots in the books seem to have it running on Mac OS X. Am I missing something here?

20 years ago
I mean J2EE-based development of course.
20 years ago
Thanks for the response, that's reassuring.

Just one question though, how come changes in J2EE 1.4 warrants a new test for the web component but not for the EJB certification?

Thanks agian,
At what point can a developer be trusted to lead the development of a enterprise system for a small-to-medium sized business, as a system analyst and architect? For example, how many years of experience and of what type, what type of certification and educational level should be present?

20 years ago
I recently starting reading the book "Head First EJB" and find I can easily grasp all the concepts introduced in it. Is it still necessary that I attend one of those certification courses offered by Sun? They are quite expensive indeed you know.

My background... I have a computer science bachelor's degree and have been programming in J2SE for 8 months for work, and I consider myself quite familiar with all aspects of J2SE, OOP and the Java language itself.

How should I prepare for the SCJP exam? Book suggestions? Should I be attending classes?

Should I wait until the J2EE 1.4 version of the exam is out to take it? Part of this anxiety stems from the fact that the SCWCD exam has already migrated from 1.3 to 1.4, and I'm afraid my EJB certification is going to get outdated soon.