navmn mn

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since Nov 30, 2004
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Recent posts by navmn mn

Hi All,

I am using a compaq system. The mouse(very often) and keyboard gets hanged several times a day. It gets fine if I restart the whole system.

I request u people to give a solution. I tried googling but was unsuccessful.

Thanks in Advance,
17 years ago
I am working on WSAD. Whenever I compile .java files using ant(build.xml) I get the following errors.

The system is out of resources.
[javac] Consult the following stack trace for details.
[javac] java.lang.StackOverflowError

[javac] The system is out of resources.
[javac] Consult the following stack trace for details.
[javac] java.lang.StackOverflowError
[javac] at
[javac] at$Select.accept(
[javac] at
[javac] at
[javac] at$Apply.accept(
[javac] at
[javac] at
[javac] BUILD FAILED: D:\WSAD\Workspace\TO-Test-0004\build.xml:546: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Thanks in Advance
18 years ago
I used Partition Magic and I am in trouble, plz help me out.

I had 3 partitions (C: D: and E
I tried to split the D: drive in to two.

Initially it was giving an "OS Loading Error", none of the OS was getting booted. Then I used FDISK and pointed to the C: drive. Then the OS got booted.

But If I go and check in the MyComputer I have only 1 Drive and the rest 3 are missing. I am able to view the status of the drives in Computer Mangament.

Please help me in retrieving the data.

Thanks in Advance
18 years ago
I had created an database tables and written many stored procedures in Microsoft Sql. The server was changed, so I am accessing another server.

Now I have 2 files called "all.sql" and "tables.sql" . How do we create the previous tables and stored procedures using these 2 files.

Thanks in advance
I am working on Validator framework in struts whatz the difference b/w ValidatorForm and DynaValidatorForm.

Thanks in Advance
18 years ago
I am new to data base programming. I have oracle 8i installed on my computer, I am not sure is it client or server. Now I have only one PC. Can I create a data base on my computer and access it locally.

I am sorry abt this it may be out of the topic:

Is it the same case of Microsoft SQL. Is it neccessary to install 2 things for a complete data base ie server and client.

Thanks in advance.
18 years ago

I am at present working on servlets, I am encountered an difficulty in differentiating b/w getAttribute and getParameter in servlets

I basicallly know
request.getAttribute("String") returns value in string

request.getParameter("String") returns an Object :roll:
I did not understand what type of object it returns

Thanks in advance
18 years ago
Guys and Gals

How to acess java script variable from a java file.
Plz help me in this regard
18 years ago

I am working on weblogic 6.1 platform. But even I am not able to start the weblogic examples server and pet store example.

Check out if you have the license for the weblogic. Else update the license of weblogic.
19 years ago
Hi I dont know which SCEA exam ur taking abt. But passing any exam >80% is gr8. Good luck for future.
19 years ago
U need to do the following

1) start the server
2) set the required class paths(this is must)
19 years ago
It is not the pronouciation that matters but how do you use BEA products.
People should not ask such questions.
19 years ago

the password which i gave during the installation is not taken. it is giving security error.

what is the password to be given for the petstore example in weblogic 6.1

i am working with an trail version

plz help
ur friendly
19 years ago