Hendy Setyo Mulyo

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since Dec 01, 2004
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Recent posts by Hendy Setyo Mulyo


I am currently developing an Evernote-or-Dropbox-like app. Can anyone here suggest a free cloud platform I could use ? I know there are few paid cloud platform like Microsoft Windows Azure or Amazon EC2, but I am looking for a free one.
11 years ago

Mark Spritzler wrote:Real World examples is a vague term. Having read the entire book in the MEAP program I can tell you the examples are very thorough and match similar things you might do in a real application. But it can never be overly complex because typically each example is demoing a certain aspect of Spring Integration and making it have more than that would make the book confusing.

If I recall correctly, all the source code used in the book is downloadable.


Thank your for your explanation.
12 years ago

I want to ask a question on this book:

- Does this book provide a lots of real world examples? If it does, is there any source code so we can easily run those examples in our system?

12 years ago

Anthony Aj Williams wrote:

Hendy Setyo Mulyo wrote:
I want to know whether this book explain C++ concurrency in Windows environment or other OS environment?
Is there any difference between concurrency technique in Windows environment or other OS environment (e.g. Linux)?

There is nothing in the book that is specific to Windows or Linux or any other OS.

If you use the C++11 concurrency facilities then there is no difference between Windows and Linux; the difference comes in additional libraries and facilities that you use, especially GUI libraries.

Thanks for the reply.

One more question though, what are the skill level of C++ requirements needed in order to read this book? Is this book suitable for C++ beginner?

12 years ago

I want to ask a question on C++ Concurrency in Action.

- I want to know whether this book explain C++ concurrency in Windows environment or other OS environment?
Is there any difference between concurrency technique in Windows environment or other OS environment (e.g. Linux)?


12 years ago
One more question:

It seems that this book is intended for newbies, which is suitable for a beginner like me. But I also want to know whether this book also explain database programming using Python?

12 years ago

I want to know whether Hello! Python book is suitable for Java / PHP programmers?
Does this book also explain how to build a website using Python?


12 years ago
Hi Antony / Inayaili,

I would like to ask some questions on Pro CSS for High Traffic Websites:

1. Does this book cover explanation on how to slice from Photoshop into a valid XHTML and CSS Website?

2. Does this book also cover on how to create a cross-browser and accessible CSS Website?

Hi Satya / Dave,

I would like ask some questions on Pro Android 3:

1. I understand that Android 3.0 is specifically optimized for devices with larger screen sizes, particularly tablets. Does this book explain on the possibility to use Android 3.0 on smartphones?

2. Does this book also cover on how to create an application with advanced 3D components and multitasking?


13 years ago
Thank you Sebastien for the explanation.
I would like to ask you again,

Does the book explain us how to use client side data storage with apps that run even when the Android device is offline?
13 years ago
Another question,
Does this book also explains any Location Based Services API to build mobil apps?
13 years ago

I would like to ask some questions about Pro Android Web Apps book.
1. Does the book cover any JavaScript framework to build rich mobile UI?
2. Does the book explain us why we should build web apps on Android instead of native apps?
3. Does the book cover any best practices to build web apps on Android?

13 years ago
Yeah, the above link is not working.
15 years ago

vinoth ar wrote:hi friends..

here i tried to write program to download a jpeg image from folder Resource folder. it is downloading a jpeg image as ordinary file with 0 bytes. with name of file as dload(servlet name). i couln`t trace the logical could you correct me..

First, you should make sure that the image file you want to download is in the correct path.

InputStream is = context.getResourceAsStream("/Resource/vino.jpeg");

In other words, you should check whether is != null;

15 years ago

Is there anyone know the benchmark between Netbeans and IntelliJ IDEA, especially in productivity in Java EE 5 application development? Which one is more productive?