Ken Pullin

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since Jan 29, 2001
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Recent posts by Ken Pullin

Is it better to use the JDK that comes with the WEbsphere install or to install the IBM jdk seperately and let Websphere use that one? This may be a mute question....just wondering.
22 years ago
Ok - I've added the xerces.jar file in the web-inf/lib folder and also added it to the mainfest file under the web application. I'm still receiving this error though. Any thoughts?
[ERROR] ActionServlet - -Parsing error processing resource path /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml <java.lang.AbstractMethodError: javax/xml/parsers/SAXParser.getXMLReader>
22 years ago
Ok - I've added the xerces.jar file in the web-inf/lib folder and also added it to the mainfest file under the web application. I'm still receiving this error though. Any thoughts?
[ERROR] ActionServlet - -Parsing error processing resource path /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml java.lang.AbstractMethodError: javax/xml/parsers/SAXParser.getXMLReader
22 years ago
I'm running a Struts application from within WSAD, but when i deploy it to Websphere 4, I get XML parsing errors when it tries to parse any of the Struts xml files. Is there a different version of the XMLParser that I need to use when I migrate the application. I replaced the xerces.jar file with 2.2 version, but Websphere complains on startup that it can not find "org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLParser" - in the new version of Xerces, this class is actually in the org.apache.xerces.parsers package. I'm sure I have a configuration and setup issue, I'm just not sure how to procede.
22 years ago
Your problem is happening b/k you don't have a title.logon in your ApplicationResources property file. You probably have something like this in your file:
<bean:message key="title.logon"/>
If Struts does not find this "title.logon" in a properties file, then the JSP page blows up. Your second error is occuring because it is not finding an error.jsp page. You probably have it defined in your struts-config.xml file.
Let me know if this helps.
22 years ago
The only problem I have with deployment from WSAD using Ant or not is that this may be a role assigned to a non-developer. I do not want my Build Person having to check code out of our source code repository, import it into WSAD and then do a build. I would rather that person check the code out, do a build using ANT, and then assemble it with AAT.
Bringing a development tool into play when you are doing production builds does not seem like the wisest thing to do.
Am I missing something here? I understand it's easy to deploy from WSAD, but maybe to dev, not prod.
22 years ago
What do you suggest is the best practice when it comes to deploying web applications to a production environment? In my case, we are doing our testing in an NT environment, but will deploy our production app on the z/OS platform with version 4.
I'm mainly looking for a "Most people use Ant to compile with and then use AAT" or "Most people do it this way ....."
22 years ago
we integrate StarTeam into WSAD, just doesn't seem like the best way to build your production application. For testing it would be ok, but for production it doesn't seem very feasible.
22 years ago
I just worded my question wrong about the .ear file. What I really wanted to ask is do people build the ear file from within WSAD or use a tool like Ant to generate the ear file to be deployed on Websphere. It seems very error prone to build your .ear file from within WSAD. I would think you would want to build your code after you've pulled it from a source code repository and not WSAD.
22 years ago
Just a general deployment question...
How do most people deploy applications to Websphere. Do most people use Ant to compile the java files and build the war and ear files and then run it through the AAT tool? Or is there a bigger and better way to do it?
22 years ago
Has anyone had a chance to work with the Business Rule Beans supported in Websphere 4.0.2?
22 years ago
Does anyone have a link to any good information on setting up the IBM Http Server to work with Websphere Application Server 4? Basically how to set up the config files where it forward requests to the application server to handle for files such as .jsp, servlets, etc... Thanks
22 years ago
I receive this error(java.lang.ClassCastException: when trying to get a DB2 connection using jdni lookups within WSAD. Has anyone seen this error before and know of a solution.
22 years ago
I would go out and look at the various design patterns that deal with this subject. Page by Page iterator is one design pattern that is implemented in the Java Pet Store example.
22 years ago
Are you doing a:
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true) in the first servlet? If so, you should be able to get the session in the 2nd servlet the same way. Post your code if you want to and I'll have a look at it.
22 years ago