Narendra Dhande

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since Dec 04, 2004
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Recent posts by Narendra Dhande

I am using Spring batch 2.2.7 for data processing. The process run in the Tasklet. While processing the data I want to write the information log in the separate file for each batch run instance according to batch Id. Since It is written as cutom Tasklet all the codes are running the execute methods.

The codes are working file. but when there is exception in the batch processing, transaction rollback happens and the log written in the file is also vanishes. I want to preserve the contains of this file.
Please suggest the appropriate alternative.

9 years ago

The problem is with package name

The prefix is 'in' instead of 'com'. While parsing the query the 'in' is treated as reserved world. As the 'in'(India) prefix is required, is there is any way to escape the package name in queries.


I am trying the query with JPA ( Hibernate 4.1.4)

If the constructor expression is removed, the query work file and return Object[],
With the constructor expression, gives the following error at the time of loading the application to the container. Both the and are String type and the CustomerProfile have constructor for the agruments.

any hints to rectify the problem ?


Dear all,

I am using JPA layer from application development. The environment is tomcat 7, Hibernate 4.1.4 and database is Sybase ASE 15.7 Developer edition. The JPA context is built using Hibernate. I am trying the pagination Query, but it is giving the strange results.
The JPA Query is :

The Query in the dao is

The execution is

There are 36 records in the sybase table. the Ids are primary key and the field is IDENTITY.
The Result is

The Query 1 and Query 2 shows the correct results, but after that the query generating the same result for next offsets.

Please help to sort out the problem. Any Sybase specific setting are required ?



Found the problem. The sybase database is running in development environment and shut down everyday. There is identity gap due to this.

11 years ago
Dear all,

I am using the spring batch 2.1.9. The jobRepository is setup using the sybase database. Everything is running fine. But while creation of job-ids the job ids are not in sequential manner. Every day the sequence is prefixes with different number and generating the job ids from one. I want the behaviour to start the sequenece number from 1 and continues by incrementing by 1 for every new job.

Is any setting at xml configuration level or database level needs to change ?

The job repository is defined as

and the sequence table definition from jar is


11 years ago
Yes, The database using ISO charset and the application is using UTF-8. May be there is a problem while conversion. Previously I put the jdbc jar files in glassfish/endorsed directory. Now I have shifted them to domain_dir/lib directory. I think the problem is not related exactly to the application, but related to glassfish gizzy framework.
12 years ago

The first problem may be the proxy. The STS take the proxy setting from your system proxy, but the maven is not. Set the appropriate maven proxy setting.

If you have direct connection, you can try follwing :
1. Right click on the your project name in the right side pane. Select Maven, then select Update project Configuration and check the box 'Force Update Snapshot/Release'. This will update your project maven dependencies.
2. If the problem still exists, Right click the project, select Run As -> maven Install, This will update your maven plugins.

12 years ago
Hi Mark

Instead of using the batch namespec I have defined the bean for jobRepository and now it is working fine. The additional property is the databaseType


12 years ago
Hi Bill,

I had used similar solutions and worked fine. After some efforts I found the problem. The problem is the bug in the Glassfish 3.1.2. After installing the suggested patch it is working fine.
The JiRA link is Glassfish Jira

Thanks .

12 years ago
Hi Bill,

The debug log shows me that the method is mapped correctly to URL.


12 years ago
Hi Bill,

The problem is due to the wrong placement of JDBC jar file. The problem is resolved after correcting the error.

12 years ago
Hi all

I am trying to write the fileUploader controller.

The JSP code are :

The controller method is

The request is mapped correctly to the method when I execute the code.

The Multipart resolver configured in context is

The spring version I am using is 3.1.1 The application server is glassfish 3.1.2

The error is

The browser return HTTP 400 with message descriptionThe request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect ().

Pl. Help


12 years ago
Hi all,

I am trying to setup small Spring Roo application. The setup is STS 2.9.2 , Spring Roo 1.2.2 and the glassfish 3.1.2. After creating new Spring Roo project. I issued only follwing command

web mvc setup

The initial application was successfully built and running on the VFbric default server. When I try to depoly the application on Glassfish The deployment error occurs. The Glassfish is configured through the eclipes server adopter in STS. I am not getting any clue what the exact error is. I guess , the error is due to the nio package , which is throwing the NullPointerException. The full error message is as in attatchment

Pl. help

12 years ago
Hi Mark,

The application run correctly if I use the jdbc 3 drivers. The problem is , we are going to use Sybase ASE 15.7 in production. For this the jconnect drivers 3 are not supplied by default. Only jconn4.jar is available with distribution. My question is, if the particular method is not supported with the sybase drivers, how it was used in the spring batch implementation. The sybase documentation stated that if, the method is unimplemented, do not use the method.

12 years ago