Dean Fredericks

Ranch Hand
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since Dec 04, 2004
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As for the silly Mini-Copper / 16 wheeler truck thing somebody posted. Its more like... The Standard Mini-Coopers in the market have full features. But the Apple-Cooper has no CD drive ( no listening to music when you drive) - if you really need a CD-Drive, you can buy a specific Apple one, that only works with that model, and strap it to the roof of your new car. It also has no back-seats, no passenger seat (because most users wont miss them since they mainly driver alone), no spare tire (if you get a flat tire, is not user-replaceable - you have to wait for apple to come and replace your tire while you wait on the side of the road (kinda like when your macbook air battery dies)
BUT the Apple Mini-Cooper is the best on the market, it blows the competition away because is bares the Apple Logo - awesome!!
Get the point??
16 years ago
Im soooo disapointed with this machine. Sure a 13.3 inch screen is nice, fullsized keys is nice. But really what difference does thinness make to a note book? whats the point - when you loose tons of features.

-- I cant buy this notebook -- Because its un-usable

- No ethernet, so I cant take it into the datacenter where my companies servers are hosted, and plug it in to administer my rack mounted servers. How exactly does not having ethernet make a laptop more usefull???

- No DVD - pretty much all subnotebooks have them - Apple doesnt - lame.

- One USB ??? great, so if i plug my mighty mouse in... thats all my USB's gone - how then to play in my HSDPA Modem?? Or my digi-cam? One USB - How does this make a laptop more usefull???

- NO HSDPA ? How do browse the internet using 3G? Guess I cant - But i can on tons of other notebooks --- How did having no HSDPA Modem make this laptop more usefull???

Basically - You can only use this laptop if you have another PC to support it - Forget about using it if you 1 and only computer at home - because you wont be able to connect to the internet - how? How do you attatch your broadband??? there' no ethernet - great - so I have to put another PC at home, and set up a wireless network, just so the MBA can get into that network to browse the net - STUPID STUPID STUPID

What a USELESS Machine!!

Why exactly was it made so slim??? to make it more usefull? Forget it!!!

I would have really of liked to have seen a 12' MacBook Pro.... full featured, at around 1.5kg or somewhere there... now that would be a usefull, powerfull, portable mac that i could use

What exactly im I supposed to do with the Macbook Air? Stare at it and ooo and arrr that its so thin?

Keep you macbook Air Apple!!
16 years ago
Well done man. I got 75%... my lowest score for a cert.

Pity I did my exam, but never got to do any J2ME coding work to do in my career!
17 years ago
This is not strictly and answer to your question.. more of a rant..

There iBook G3's where pretty terrible, suffering from a faulty logic board.. which cause the screen to go blank... not to boot, all sorts.

Id say the apple laptop range sucks as well. The 13.3 Macbook, is a size that doesnt suit everyone... they should have have kept a '12 for the people who want light weight, and a 14' for those wanting larger screen size. 13.3 is niether here nor there... and does suit users who want a light laptop, and doesnt suit users who want a bigger screen.

Dam you apple for having such a limited laptop range. I want a replacement for my 12' powerbook!!
17 years ago

If you got permission problems, get this program. batchmod:

Its a GUI to help you change file permissions. You then drag your tomcat folder on to it, and it will allow you set the permissions of all the files in your tomcat dir in 1 go.

I used to program as part of my tomcat installation to get everything working.

Hope it helps

17 years ago
Ah bert, you ordered an up-sized Mac??

I remember you posting before about the Mac sub-notebook rumors. What happened to your urge to go ultra portable?

Im still going to wait for the sub-notebook... even though its not rumored o only come out next year. I recently moved to Singapore, and even my iBook feels like a brick, carrying it standing on a train for 30 mins everyday - I need that ultra portable!

In the mean time, I hope my 12' iBook holds out.. its got the G4 1.33, and a gig ram. But coding in 1024*758 is a pain, and tomcat takes so long to start!

Anywayz - Bert, listen - now you got your 17' Mac you have no excuse not to start writing a new Head First Web Services !!

17 years ago
Ah bert, you ordered an up-sized Mac??

I remember you posting before about the Mac sub-notebook rumors. What happened to your urge to go ultra portable?

Im still going to wait for the sub-notebook... even though its not rumored o only come out next year. I recently moved to Singapore, and even my iBook feels like a brick, carrying it standing on a train for 30 mins everyday - I need that ultra portable!

In the mean time, I hope my 12' iBook holds out.. its got the G4 1.33, and a gig ram. But coding in 1024*758 is a pain, and tomcat takes so long to start!

Anywayz - Bert, listen - now you got your 17' Mac you have no excuse not to start writing a new Head First Web Services !!

17 years ago
I must say, I have programmed both with sockets and RMI/CORBA - both with the same objective in mind.

Sockets seem easier to control, where something like CORBA could take a lot of time to learn. RMI would limit you client to needing to be another Java application. In case you don't know, RMI is a Java only version of CORBA.

Sockets would limit your client applications to also being Java based if you choose to write objects across the stream (So in answer to your question, yes you can serialize and send objects across a network)

sockets could be client independent (c++,.NET, etc) if you choose to just write bytes across the network. However writing bytes you would need to make some sort of protocol for communications, this can be a lot of work, and if you get errors and need to debug problems by reading byte streams... your in for a tough time.

CORBA is good for business. It allows you to read and write objects, and call methods on remote objects, and its highly optimized, its a mature technology, having been around well over 10 years. It allows your Java application to communicate with ANY other client, c++, .NET, etc

My advice. If your programming games, chat programs, streaming media, file transfer use sockets and read/write bytes. You have tighter control over what is sent, you can optimize the streams, by buffering, or compressing date.

If you programming business applications which require remote method calls, use CORBA, (or if the client is definitly Java, you could use RMI). Corba however would be useless for lets say, file transfer, or any streaming type app.

Hope that helps
17 years ago
Glad to see that other people also cant find it - I thought I was going senile.

I am running Mac OS X Tiger 1.4.8, on an iBook G4. Not that this makes any difference

I feel like emailing Apple and telling them that is impossible to use the release 4 download they have on their site because release 2 does'nt exist on the web, and that is a prerequisite.

and IMHO, i dont see why you should need to have release 1,2,3 installed before upgrading to release 4. They should just make it a stand alone download.

Dont even get me started on the no Java on the iPhone story....
17 years ago
Dont hold your breathe.

Though the current exam is quiet good. You learn all the important stuff, WSDL, SOAP 1.1, etc.. Its just the sun's API's they have changed a bit.

Id say, dont wait, write this one. Then you have the web services cert behind you day, and moving to use J2EE 5, or what ever web services technologu you use in your work shoudl be easy.
Apple....... I want to strangel you.

Who here can tell me how to upgrade my ibook to J2SE 5 release 4?

I managed to update it to J2SE 5 release 1. That download I can find on the web.

But I cannot find J2SE 5 release 2. Go on google and search for it you wont find it !!!

However I can find release 3, and I can find release 4 - But when I download them and try to run them - they say i need release 2 - which doesnt exist.

Has anybody found java release 2? Maybe it was availible and apple has mistakenly dropp it from their website... ive been searching for weeks I cant find it.

Its pathetic that i have to resort to java ranch and write a post to find out how to upgrade java..... common apple - apple is meant to be all about ease of use disapointing!
17 years ago
I think Sun should kill this exam...
18 years ago
How do you do unit testing with J2EE - is it possible ?

Sure testing you standard java bean methods is easy with JUnit.

But how do you unit test a Servlet, JSP or a EJB ?

I have a app with many many sevlerts and JSPs. And often when I make a change, I test it and its fine, only the change has broken something somwhere else in the app.

Can anybody give me some testing tips, pointers, advice , etc ?
18 years ago
There is so little activity here...

Is SCMAD dieing out?
Sure adding the CONFIDENTIAL to your user constraints is fine - thats if you want to sucure URL's that users are going to navigate to.

BUT - the problem is the user never actually navigates to the login page ( login page just magically appears when the user navigates to a secure resource). So SSL is never used.

Example 1 .
Action :User tries to navigate to a web page secured by SSL
Result :Form login page pops up in SSL mode, and user logs in fine

Example 2.
Action :User tries to navigate to a web page NOT secured by SSL
Result :The form login page is popped up wihtout SSl

My problem is that I only want to Login Form to be in SSL - and even naming it as a contrained resource does not make it run over SSL - this is because the URL is never reconised as one needing SSL because the user never actally directly navigates there ( he is forwards there without his knowledge).

Basicly what im saying is a page only runs under SSL if the URL seen in your browser is pointing to a constrained resource.

I have googled left right and center - and nobody has been able to get this right. Ive found people posting this question on lots of different forums and getting no answer.

The only way to get get the login page over SSL is to totally ditch the J2EE security model and write your own - because it just doesnt seem to be able to be done.
18 years ago