Denis Yuzvyk

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since Dec 06, 2004
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Recent posts by Denis Yuzvyk

I have array of my classes:

MyClass [] arr = new MyClass [] {new MyClass(), new MyClass ()};

how to make shalow copy of arr?
arr.clone() will be enough?
18 years ago
I have method that perform check on input.
Something like this:

with JUnit i need check this method:

My question is:
with what value replace NAN_NUMBER ?
18 years ago
Why and what Collection implementation to hold such mapping:
1) String -> String
2) String -> Object

18 years ago
Oh! you are right!
at wiki says that:
The graph shown to the left has many valid topological sorts, including:

so all ok now!

18 years ago
but it is wrong too:

from wiki:
18 years ago
for this grapth, i created following input:

I found such vertex and edges:
7 -> 11,8
5 -> 11
3 -> 8,10
11 -> 2,9,10
8 -> 9

so input:

but result is:
but it's wrong, coz on wiki page correct result must be

The graph shown to the left has many valid topological sorts, including:

* 7,5,3,11,8,2,9,10
* 7,5,11,2,3,10,8,9
* 3,7,8,5,11,10,9,2

18 years ago
can you please give test data?
all my attempts failed : (
may be there is bug?

May be someone can point me to implementation of this algo?

18 years ago
I need implement topological sort.
I found info about this type of sorting on
I write something like (code below).
But I can't test it .
According to wiki I get error that my graph is not a DAG, so a topological sort is impossible
My code below, Please with what input test it.
18 years ago
Tanks Sanjeev Singh.
I had second type of question.
But how to detect it? I need throw exeption if duplicates detected.
[ January 19, 2007: Message edited by: Denis Yuzvyk ]
18 years ago
Is there any "correct" way to find duplicates at array.

18 years ago
this is what i need!
18 years ago
This was 1 thing i try, but i get compilation error:

java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:
The method clone() is undefined for the type Map
if I change to:
Collections.unmodifiableMap( (Map)((Object) statistics).clone() )
i got error:
java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:
The method clone() from the type Object is not visible

According to docs, method clone available at Map implementations ...

So advice please what to do.

18 years ago
unmodifiableMap - this is what i need.

but i have question about clone.
How to know to which Map implementation cast statistics to call "clone()" method?
18 years ago
hi friends,

Can you please explain this:

in function "public func (java.util.Map statistics)"
task is:
Get an immutable wrapper map around the clone (using java.util.Collections)

18 years ago
i have someexpirience in java/jsp and i wonna write e-shop in educational purposes.But i don't know how to start. I think may be y can share some ideas, articles , etc ...
Thx , regards, Denis.
19 years ago