Originally posted by Anandh Ramesh:
I need an application which does exactly what your friend has done (sending data from phone to server).
Originally posted by Peter Rooke:
Does anyone know if it is possible to have a server send data to a mobile device?
I ask this cos most of the mobiles these days carry Symbian OS and not Java OS.
If you are sending messages through a web server, you don't need anything written in J2ME. Most carriers maintain a website for sending messages to their subscribers. For example, this is Sprint's: http://messaging.sprintpcs.com. This is Cingular's: http://www.cingularme.com/do/public. Here is Verizon's: http://www.vtext.com.Originally posted by Hari Krishna:
I am new to J2ME. I have to send sms to GSM and CDMA mobiles. Please Explain the process to do this project. I have to send sms through web.
The MessageListener interface provides a mechanism for the application to be notified of incoming messages.
When an incoming message arrives, the notifyIncomingMessage() method is called. The application MUST retrieve the message using the receive() method of the MessageConnection. MessageListener should not call receive() directly. Instead, it can start a new thread which will receive the message or call another method of the application (which is outside of the listener) that will call receive().