Yogs Bang

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since Dec 10, 2004
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Recent posts by Yogs Bang

Hello All,

I am trying to configure web.xml to have both protected and public URLs but still the app
authenticates the public URLs. Protected URLs works fine. I would greatly appreciate if you can
help to configure the whole application has protected except for few URLs which should be public
and without authentication. I could have added each URL for protected but there are plenty hence
using /* for protected.

protected URLs

public URLs

Thanks in advance.

12 years ago
Thank you Mr. Theodore for your early reply. You information cleared lot of my doubts. Thanks again for your time.
Hello All,

I am a newbie. Can someone please let me know what is expected by SUN for Part II. Like how to present my project to them.. HTML, Diagrams and documents etc. Here are few questions which I would like to get clarified.

1. Do they need the source code from the class diagrams ?
2. In the class diagram, do they expect attributes and operations as
required by the project ?
3. How will I be uploading my project ? as a zip file ?
4. How dept the project needs to be addressed ?

Sorry, if these questions are too basic. I would appreciate if someone helps me in getting a jumpstart and thanks in advance for your response.
