Win jones

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I have tried all combination - still does not work , I have sent a mail to [email protected]
Hey guys,
I took the SCJP test about a week ago and now I am trying to log into the following website

It is asking for the following information

First Name
Last Name
Registration ID:
Test Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Test Center ID:

But in the score card that I received AT PROMETRIC I have only the following information


How do these match

This post may not belong here - Admins please move it as needed
Hey guys,
I took the SCJP test about a week ago and now I am trying to log into the following website

It is asking for the following information

First Name
Last Name
Registration ID:
Test Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Test Center ID:

But in the score card that I received AT PROMETRIC I have only the following information


How do these match

20 years ago
Thanks guys,
Jay I am interested in getting certified in UML I would like anyone who has information on this to post it for me I see that IBM has a test 486 pertaining to this but no certificate it is a part of a bigger exam the other option that I have is
OMG-Certified UML Professional Fundamental OM0-100

I am not sure which one would be a good for me. I think I will take a short break from Java for now
20 years ago
Hello everybody,
I final cleared SCJP 1.4 (85%) � Jan 7 2005, even though not a high score based on Javaranch standards I am definitely happy.

Experience in details

I used :- Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates books � great book written with this certification in mind. I read the chapters only once , but just in the morning went through all the exam watch and certification summary and two minute drills. Earlier I also did Marcus Green 60 q mock got around 95 % � what I found in the actual exam is slightly difficult in the area of Garbage collections, Threads and Collections I also took Dan Chisholm�s study guide 1 and 2 mock and also single topic mocks but did not have the time to take the comprehensive. Dan this is a fantastic effort � A big thank you to you.

I am totally new to Java you can check up the forum for some of the basic questions that I have asked  and I took about 1 1/2 months to prepare spending about 2 hrs a day.

What to expect in the Exam :-
The exam starts with a series of questions asking you to rate yourself in the objectives with choices given as pro, intermediate etc � your are given 15 min for this survey the time does not count in the actual exam � I blindly checked intermediate in all of them. A timer runs but gets reset before the next section.

Next comes the non- disclosure stuff � you have to say I Agree else the exam stops.
Then there are couple of questions that ask you whether Sun can use your email to contact you etc etc (usual Advertising stuff ) I blindly said I don�t agree � I think there were about 5 0r 6 questions like this . Someone had posted a link in which the actual contents of this stuff was given I am unable to recollect it now so it was easy to say at the exam � I am sure the moderators would know the link. Where the non-disclosure and advertising stuff comes from, the exam clock starts ticking when you go thru this stuff I lost about 2 min in there.

Actual exam
The questions from Threads, Garbage collection and collections are difficult from what is available in the mock test Marcus , Dan, Voodoo , many listed in the Java ranch mock test list ( this could also mean that I was unable to translate this knowledge into answers in the actual exam) these were my low scoring areas in the exam.

Exam Navigations
If I remember right you have the Next previous arrows at the bottom and also the exhibit button which will show up if there is a lengthily piece of code which would be around 20 line if it is around 5 line or less then there will be no exhibit button and the question appears on the same page. On the top left hand corner you have a check box to Mark the questions. ( I am also told that if you chose a particular choice for a question and then mark it because your are not sure and if you don�t have the time to come back to it whatever is marked is taken as your choice )

Suggestions at the risk of giving out too much

Threads � work out a lot (doing mocks is one thing but actually typing out some code is need � experiment ) try out some example to see what actually happens with multiple thread, many object instance with synchronization etc.
Garbage collection � I felt I should have read some additional material for this or worked out more mocks in this area they were not as simple.
Collection :- Try out some example of actually using the collection classes � never thought it would be needed � Like adding elements and iterating thru them.

Had a number of array questions � one of my many weak areas � it was pretty simple.

Pay close attention to the verbiage make sure you understand what the choices are, this reflected that I should have paid more attention to minute details when I read something�s either in the book or the mocks  In the actual exam sometimes a lot of choices appeared to have more than what is mentioned to be correct (could also mean that I didn�t put in a good enough preparation  )

Remaining areas the questions were pretty simple not as complicated as the mocks.

I completed the exam in 1 hour and 35 min after that I went thru the 8 marked questions and went thru about 52 questions found out one which I had wrongly marked before the time ran out.

Try not to take any mocks on the day of the exam � I tried a couple and was getting even the basic questions wrong could have been I was too jittery � As mentioned in other post don�t try to cram in new stuff in the last day that definitely does not help. Be clear with what you read � thinking about all variations and combinations that information can be used

Set aside some mocks for the last week, I must have done tons of mocks and the problem is that I seemed to remember the answers to Marcus and K&B book mocks so I found it was difficult to retake the test again in the last few days.

If you are using K&B book make sure you download the online Bonus exam and make sure it is different that what you have in the CD I found it to be the same at the last minute and yesterday night tried to post in the Java ranch for the link and also Tech support and I got the response only today and so I finally did not get a chance to take that test hopefully none of the questions that came for the exam are in there 

Well people I hope I have not bored you all with my exam preparation / taking experience.

A big thank you to all my fellow Java ranch folks.

Take care and I am looking for to a long journey in the Java land from now.

20 years ago
thanks Anusorn,
Thats how I do it too , how about the conditions - u just remeber at each step and also the pre n post increment decrement if any - is there any way to capture all that .... Thanks for prev post
Hi Jay,
How about this piece

MIke, I am taking the exam tomorrow is there anyway I can get the link - to whom should I mail about this
Hi ,
I am using the K&B for my preparation, I took the test on the CD, and I registered at LearningKey and downloaded the Bonus exam from the Learnkey website , However it appears that the questions in the exam are exactly the same as those that are in the CD � Am I missing something here, the downloaded file from LearnKey site is Java2ME2.exe (6.54 MB) inside it there is the same masterexam.exe (2.84 MB) as the one that came with the CD. Any help guys !!.

Does the title in the Bonus exam is any different are gives me any additional information which says that it is the bonus exam from LearningKey.

[ January 06, 2005: Message edited by: Win jones ]
Question )
Assuming all variables are declared and initialized properly will the following code compile
for (i = 1; k <5;j++){};

why is there a semi-colon after the last curly brace
because of that the code will not compile
20 years ago
Hey guys can someone help me out with a truth table that has worked out for them. I am having serious trouble solving questions that involve loops with a number of variables and conditions, I usually end up wasting a lot of time and getting a result that is not part of the choice .
I tried the truth table i.e one for each variable defined and after that I get confused half way thru. Any help would greatly increase my scores. I do understand that it might sound like a trivial request but I am losing lots of points here. Please share any methods that has worked for you.

Ranjit, Mike is right - you cannot override a private method even thought it may appear that you are overriding it - in reality a private method is restricted to the class in which it is defined as it cannot be inherited - well now another q can you override a static method
20 years ago
Hello Folks,
I thought it would be a good idea to vote on the best freely available study notes for scjp 1.4 on the net. Voters Needed
1)Please provide the URL
2)Which part do you think is best dealt
you can also add on other features
Maybe someone can also come up with the best Mock test on the Net

[ January 03, 2005: Message edited by: Win jones ]
[ January 03, 2005: Message edited by: Win jones ]
Anand, can u elaborate on complete evaluation of operands takes place from left to right
Thanks guys, can you provide me some sample code where the prefix unary operator is evaluated based on Right to left operator precedence.

thanks in advance