Yuriy Zilbergleyt

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My understanding was that the http://java.sun.com/jstl/core lib was supposed to be the "EL only" library, and yet I get the dreaded "According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute items does not accept any expressions" exception even not passing any scriptlets into the tags. Am I missing something?

http://java.sun.com/jstl/core_rt of course works as usual.

16 years ago
Ooh, thanks. I forgot that Kindle is that e-reader thing....
I'm looking to upgrade my SCJP 1.4 to 1.6. Is there a good cert prep book for the 1.6 exam version?

I'm guessing this one gets the job done? http://www.amazon.com/Certified-Programmer-Study-Guide-310-065/dp/B0015DTUNY/
[ October 10, 2008: Message edited by: Yuriy Zilbergleyt ]
This code (which I didn't write) occasionally prints an error like 'price: 7.949999809265137java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ".795E1795E1"'

Anyone know how this could happen?

16 years ago
Heh Marco, I didn't think of that.
16 years ago
The first statement works, but the second one does not compile.

Why did they design generics in a way to disallow something that seems (to me at least) to be a clear cut case of polymorphism?

16 years ago

Originally posted by marc weber:

Well, without more information, it seems most likely to me that the element beng added is a duplicate. If that's true and it shouldn't be, then look at the object's equals method. Beyond that, you could look for problems with the getRequests and addRequest methods. Or maybe the assertTrue method itself has a problem.

I have to respectfully disagree

It seems far more likely to me that policyBll has a single Requests set that is returns through the getRequests() call. The addRequest() merely adds the RequestBil object to the that set. In other words, Requests == newRequests, so 'newRequests.size() > Requests.size()' is the same as ' newRequests.size() > newRequests.size()'. It will never be true.
17 years ago
Personally I'd keep the joins and have the child thread encountering an error set it's threadId into the main thread and then interrupt it. When the main thread catches the interrupted exception, it checks the threadId set by child and knows which threads it needs to kill. Then the main thread can set a boolean value in the child threads that they will check periodically. If the child threads are waiting on some input themselves, the main thread can interrupt them.
Not sure about the "why", but isn't the workaround as simple as checking if the path starts with "file:" and removing the unneeded 5 characters if necessary.
17 years ago
You mean it's a homework problem?

Anyway, your assert statement boils down to "are there more items in new Set than in old Set", when both are in fact the same Set.
[ August 23, 2007: Message edited by: Yuriy Zilbergleyt ]
17 years ago
I'm using axis 1.2.1 for webservice client classes.

I've seen mentioned on several websites that the client stubs generated through WSDL2Java are not thread safe, but I couldn't find any related info on the official site. So, does anyone know for sure if the client stubs are thread-safe or not?

I understand that obviously using certain methods like setTimeout during concurrent service method calls would not be thread safe, my question is if the the concurrent service calls using same stub by themselves would cause a problem.

If the Stub is not thread safe, what about the ServiceLocator?

Thank you,
17 years ago

Does the implicit cache of Oracle's 10g drivers (using ojdbc14.jar) ever release unused connections? For example, we set the MinLimit property in the OracleDataSource to 15 and the MaxLimit to 40. Already opened connections get reused as expected, and when they're not enough new ones are opened. However, once the load on the application dies down, the number of connections never decreases back down to the MinLimit. If 40 connections are opened, all 40 remain until the application shuts down. Are we supposed to call the OracleConnectionCacheManager.purgeCache() method to free up unused connections at regular intervals? That doesn't seem right....

Thank you,
[ June 25, 2007: Message edited by: Yuriy Zilbergleyt ]
Thanks Ulf!

17 years ago
One component that I'm maintaining at work uses a jar which combines original code, JSSE classes, and HttpClient (http://www.innovation.ch/java/HTTPClient/) classes. Yes, in one single jar. Someone built the jar 5 years ago and it hasn't been touched since.

In any case, we're moving the component to use Java 1.5 (instead of current 1.3.1), and I'm wondering if the JSSE classes in this jar could cause conflicts with their cousins from the 1.5 JDK/JRE.

Thanks in advance,
17 years ago
Thanks Chris and Ilja!

It seems strange that Sun didn't mention the built-in valueOf() method in http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/language/enums.html...
17 years ago