madhup narain

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Recent posts by madhup narain

I have a web-service built out on Axis2, since axis2 generates the wsdl file at runtime i need to know where to put the WSDL (after changing the minoccurs, required elements ) so that it picks the changed wsdl from a project rather than generating it on run time.

I read somewhere -

When Axis2 finds a service what it does is first it check whether there are any WSDL files in META-INF directory. If there is give the priority to the WSDL files and using those Axis2 web service will be created. If no WSDL files are found then it goes through services.xml file to find the service implementation class.

Here is how my package structure looks like; After placing the WSDLfile in both META-INF locations i am still not able to pick it up. Can someone help me ?

Where can i put the WSDL file so that once i hit the ?wsdl i pick the one from the project rather than generating it on runtime
13 years ago
Welcome onboard... I would love to see what HTML 5 has in store
I am exposing a simple web service using axis 2.

How do i make sure that the WSDL generates minOccurs=1
Lets say

I have a method

i want to make sure that data1 is mandatory and data2 is not.
WSDL always generated it as minOccurs=0 on runtime in Axis 2. Can i specify that data1 is mandatory and data2 is not in the code so that it can be reflected in WSDL

13 years ago
I dont get any error except for a linkage error when i boot up the JBOSS server

java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving method "javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder.setErrorHandler(Lorg/xml/sax/ErrorHandler;)V" the class loader (instance of org/jboss/classloader/spi/base/BaseClassLoader) of the current class, org/apache/log4j/xml/DOMConfigurator, and the class loader (instance of <bootloader>) for resolved class, javax/xml/parsers/DocumentBuilder, have different Class objects for the type org/xml/sax/ErrorHandler used in the signature
at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.doConfigure(
at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.doConfigure(
at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.doConfigure(
at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.configure(
at com.boost.util.Log4jConfigLoader.init(

apart from that the application works fine and there are no issues as such. When i try to hit the WSDL i see no traces on the console or the server

IWAB0379E Unable to open http://localhost:8080/boost-sales-portal/services/PortalWebService?wsdl.
IWAB0135E An unexpected error has occurred.
WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://localhost:8080/boost-sales-portal/services/PortalWebService?wsdl

What could be the issue ?

13 years ago
Thanks for the reply guys!!!

Ok. here is the thing -
We are migrating one of our JSF applications from RAD-Iplanet-WAS to ECLIPSE-Apache-JBOSS combination.
Since our application was dependent on some of the WAS libraries we had to do some changes to the JAR's.

At present the application compiles and executes allright on the JBOSS server, but we are seeing the error mentioned above.
Hope you get the picture of the migration

13 years ago
The JRE version that i am using on my JBOSS is :
Java(TM) SE Run-time Environment (build 1.6.0_23-b05)

Can you help find out what JBOSS library may be causing this linkage error ?
I can try to list out the JBOSS JARS that are loaded in the server, would that help ?
13 years ago
my JBoss 5.1 server uses the JRE 6 System library.
After digging through the JAR's i see that the DocumentBuilder is present in rt.jar.

I havent been able to find any JARS in the JBOSS that contain the same DocumentBuilder java file. Do you think i should try plugging out rt.jar from my JRE
13 years ago
I am getting the following error while bringing up the JBOSS server. Can anyone help me locate what the exact issue is

loader constraint violation:
when resolving method "javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder.setErrorHandler(Lorg/xml/sax/ErrorHandler;)V"
the class loader (instance of org/jboss/classloader/spi/base/BaseClassLoader) of the current class, org/apache/log4j/xml/DOMConfigurator,
and the class loader (instance of <bootloader>) for resolved class, javax/xml/parsers/DocumentBuilder,
have different Class objects for the type org/xml/sax/ErrorHandler used in the signature
13 years ago
I have an application deployed on Apache HTTP(port 80) + JBOSS Configuration (port 8080)

I created a bottom up web-service using Axis2 in my application.
I can clearly access the listServices url using the following localhost URL - http://localhost:8080/boost-sales-portal/services/listServices

But when i try to access my WSDL Url (http://localhost:8080/boost-sales-portal/services/PortalWebService?wsdl) then i can't access it -
IE keeps trying to load the page infinitely.

Seems like the service can't get loaded or gets deadlocked. I am not sure what is happening.
Logs don't indicate anything. No Error messages all
The same happens when coming through Apache HTTP server(without 8080 in the URL) also any further requests even to my application are not serviced and browser trys to keep loading unless i kill JBOSS

Does anyone have any suggestions on what may be happening ?
Do we have to configure ports in JBoss for handling web-services, i thought HTTP port 8080/80 would have been enough.

Some suggestions please.

13 years ago
I cant access my webservice

Axis2 1.4

I can see the services listed on the following url but cant access then the browser takes infinite time to load them

What could be the reason
13 years ago
I have run into a strange problem and unable to figure out how to proceed.
I am creating a simple webservice on JBOSS within an existing JSF application using Eclipse Helios.

The Java file for which i am exposing as a webservce is very simple using Axis2 (create webservice option in the wizard)

The following is the service class that was generated

When i try to invoke the WSDL using the webservice test explorer. The page keeps loading and never finished. There is nothing concrete being printed on the JBOSS output
My application runs fine on the 8080 port and also through http port 80. The WSDL cant get loaded. Is there some thing i am missing ? Sometimes the webservice explorer gives me

IWAB0379E Unable to open http://localhost:8080/XXXX/services/BSPWebservice?wsdl.
IWAB0135E An unexpected error has occurred.
WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://localhost:8080/boost-sales-portal/services/BSPWebservice?wsdl

Please note - We have recently migrated the JSF application from Iplanet - WAS- RAD to Apache HTTP - JBoss - Eclipse 3.6(Helios)

13 years ago
An exception in my webservice is coming under the faultDetail element.
Should the custom exception come under this element ?
Is there any way i can retrieve this exception.

14 years ago
I have been trying to get a custom exception from my web service but haven't been able to do so in the client.
I am using IBM RAD to generate the webservice wsdl and using this WSDL to generate the test client.

On the server side I have the following
1. My Custom exception class

2. And am throwing this exception as follows

On the client Side
I am unable to retrieve this BSPCustomException class. It comes as an AxisFault.

The result of the above in the console is as follows

How can i get the custom exception in the test client. The BSPCustomException is coming in the faultString and also the getCause is null.
It should have been straight forward, Is there something i am missing ?

14 years ago
were you able to find how to integrate RAD7.0 with JBOSS 5.0
14 years ago
We are using IBM axis in RAD. Is there a way to generate Custom Faults. Also the API does not seem to have the AxisFault class but contains a calss called

Please let me know if you have come across an implementation like this ?

Thanks in advance
14 years ago