Rick Beaver

Ranch Hand
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since Dec 14, 2004
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Recent posts by Rick Beaver

Rumour update. Looks set to be a 12" sub-notebook with solid state drive, no optical drives, half the width of the current macbook pro
17 years ago
13 - no wonder i am fat
17 years ago
the touch is amazing! I posted this on it.

I jailbroke mine to allow third party applications to be installed, it's a very good piece of kit.
17 years ago

Originally posted by Bert Bates:

Now of course the next step (let's go ahead and get ahead of ourselves ), is to figure out how to keep two Macs comfortably "synched" - in other words how to keep emails synched as you go back and forth between machines...

I have three Macs and .Mac keeps them all in sync. Mail, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks and the iDisk are all automatically synchronised.

There are some bugs in the .Mac integration with Leopard at the moment but generally it is very good since they upgraded the standard storage to 10GB
17 years ago

Originally posted by Frank Carver:

If attempting to install OSX onto generic PC hardware is effectively useless for this, can anyone suggest any other ways of trying out the Mac software without actually paying out a lot of money for a Mac which may not do what I need?

Do you have an Apple store near you? The Apple stores (and some resellers) generally have the full suite of Apple hardware out for customers to play around with. Certainly the Apple store I visit is always full of people surfing the web on the display systems. The sales staff generally do not interfere.
17 years ago
Unfortunately, although technically possible, VMWare (and Parallels) do not allow OS X to be run in a virtual environment. This is due to Apple's restrictive EULA which does not allow Leopard to be virtualised.

OS X Server can be virtualised but only on an Apple branded computer.
17 years ago
I use Fusion professionally every day. I find it very good, much more stable that Parallels. I run Windows XP, Windows Vista, Ubuntu and Fedora 8 with no problem.

Highly recommended.

The new version works very nicely with Leopard in that you can go full screen Windows on one of your Leopard spaces and hot switch between full screen OS X and full screen Windows.
17 years ago
The article states that it will run the os-x lite. This will prohibit a full tablet but will likely mean some kind of media controller for the home.
18 years ago
Staggering. The future has arrived - it shows how companies always play safe with incremental updates - Apple is possibly the only true innovator left. Bye Zune
18 years ago
Poor Zune - never had a chance really...
18 years ago

Originally posted by marc weber:
(iPhone, anyone?)

Yeah, I hang around the rumor sites too
18 years ago
Google for "web hosting" and all your dreams will come true.
18 years ago
Hey, I didnt think talk like a Pirate day was for a few more months yet!
18 years ago
The main site for accomodation in the UK is http://www.rightmove.co.uk

Pretty much every home for sale or rent anywhere in the UK will be on there
18 years ago