Shency R.P

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since Dec 17, 2004
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Recent posts by Shency R.P

Thanks much for your reply. That is definitely going to help.

Can anybody suggest a good book with CORBA with Java only?

18 years ago
Could anybody please suggest me the best book for learning CORBA with Java?

Thanks much

Java 1.4 - 100%
18 years ago
Hi Arulkumaran,
Do you have an Indian edition for the book - Java/J2EE Job Interview Companion? Also when did you launch this book?
18 years ago
Hi Giju

thank you verymuch for providing this valuable resource!!!

SCJP 1.4
Congradulations Jagdish!!

great result!!!

20 years ago
thanks Giju,
But i could not spot one in amazone for SCWCD 1.4 from Kathy & Bates.
Could you please give the exact name of the book that you got?

Can anobody provide information regarding how to get a copy of the SCWCD 1.4 book by Kathy and Bates? I got the information from Bert that the book is now ready

Thank you very much Bert, MannY, Alvin and everyone...
Ranch links helped me a lot in the process..

Alvin, I took 1-2 weeks to acquire knowledge about the objectives.
You can follow either Khalid Mughal, or Kathy Bates or both.
I followed Khalid Mughal. The technique followed in Kathy Bates is too good.

Then I tried number of mock exams available on the net. javaranch,,.. Also I tried 2 sample whizlabs mock exams which comes in the CD of Khalid Mughal's book. Last 4 days I spent for revising the objectives and reviewing the hard and good questions I have come across in the mock exams.

Bert, any update on the SCWCD 1.4 book from you and Kathy?

Am planning to prepare for the SCWCD1.4 exam.

Thanks & Regards,
20 years ago
thanks Nick..
any update on Kathy's book for SCWCD 1.4..
it was supposed to be released in June??

thanks ,
i took 3-4 weeks for preperation.
20 years ago
thanks William

no i didn't follow Kathy's book. That too is good. According to me, seeing questions is what matters once you have covered the objectives form some book.

Ya am a mallu. how did you know that?

20 years ago
Guys am new to SCWCD. I passed SCJP 1.4 last week with 100% score and now planning for SCWCD 1.4.

Expecting all your help..

Heartiest Congratulations,
Peter!! That's incredible.

I passed SCJP 1.4 last week with 100% score. Now planning for SCWCD 1.4.
Do you mind sharing the study materials/links.. that you have used for SCWCD 1.4?

Thanks to Java Ranch....
It would have been hard without Java Ranch...
I followed Khalid Mughal's book too.

Thanks all...

20 years ago