Ben Forta

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since Jan 31, 2001
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That combination will work fine, although I'd upgrade to JRun 3.
Ben Forta Author of Java Server Pages Application Development
23 years ago
JRun 4 will support both JSP 1.2 and Servlet 2.3 (among other things). I can't give a definite date yet, but it is being worked on, and it will be this year.
Ben Forta Author of Java Server Pages Application Development
23 years ago

Originally posted by Angela Jessi:
Thanks Tony,
Can u suggest some good book or tutorial for JSP? ALso How can I download JSP? And JSP is basically for web site designing?


JSP is a server-side scripting language. It is not used to design Web sites, you use client-side technologies (like HTML and JavaScript) for that. JSP is the par that extends the server so that your site can do intelligent things - like reading and writing databases, sending and receiving e-mail, personalizing content, processing form submissions, etc. JSP is used in much the same way as ASP, ColdFusion, Perl, and PHP are used.
Hope this helps.
Ben Forta Author of Java Server Pages Application Development
23 years ago
JRun 3 (the current shipping version) supports JSP 1.1. Future versions of JRun will support newer JSP specs as they evolve.
Ben Forta Author of Java Server Pages Application Development
23 years ago
Allaire HomeSite is a good option. In addition, HomeSite has a big brother called JRun Studio that is optimized for use with Allaire's JRun server (but which also provides great JSP support in general).
Ben Forta Author of Java Server Pages Application Development
23 years ago