Amar Thia

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since Dec 20, 2004
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Recent posts by Amar Thia

Hi Kevin,
Check with your doctor to see if you have sleep issues. I had a team member who had sleep issue. Before he treated it he used to fall asleep standing in my cube and I had to sit with him and tap his leg during meetings just so he doesnt doze off. Then he saw a doctor and they gave him some machine for sleeping with. Since, then the guy is very active and my headache of watching him during meetings is resolved.

If that is not the case, then try Jesper's suggestion. Understand that Java is an ocean and if you do not have some knowledge of various parts of this ocean - you wont get a good job (Please hypnotize this into your mind - so your mind is stressed enough not to sleep).

15 years ago

I think you guys passed. So, Congrats

BUT, I suggest you send an email to [email protected] and inquire about this. Also, ask them when you will receive your certificate/welcome package if you passed.

The same thing happened to me but I did not receive anything from Sun for a while. When I inquired, they asked me to verify my address online. Once I did that, they sent me my welcome package.

All the best.

Hi Chetan,

Here is a Section wise list of study materials(I wish I had more
time to finish these):
Section 1: - Use the study guide at

Section 2: Sun Certified Enterprise Architect by Paul Allen and
Joseph Barbara

Section 3:
Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and
Deploying Messaging Solutions by Gregor Hohpe, Bobby Woolf
J2EE Connector Architecture and Enterprise Application
Integration by Rahul Sharma, Beth Stearns, Tony Ng
EJB3 in Action by Debu Panda (for JCA and JMS)

Section 4:
EJB 3 in Action by Debu Panda, Reza Rahman, Derek Lane

Section 5:
JSF: Core Java Server Faces by David Geary, Cay Horstmann
Tutorial at for

Section 6:
Practical J2EE Application Architecture by Nadir Gulzar
J2EE AntiPatterns by by Bill Dudney, Stephen Asbury , Joseph
Krozak, Kevin Wittkopf

Design Patterns – Gang of Four (Entire Book)
Core J2EE Patterns - 2nd edition – Deepak Alur, John Crupi,
Joel Marks

Section 8:
Chapter 8 of
NICE TO HAVE: Core Security Patterns by Chris Steel, Ramesh
Nagappan, Ray Lai
15 years ago
Has anybody been to the Georgian Bay in Ontario, Canada?

I heard there are a lot of wonderful things to visit/see/experience there.

Can anybody advise on what are the things to visit/see/experience?

15 years ago
I also got a score of "0" and a grade of "P". It means you passed. When it happened to me, I emailed Sun at [email protected] with my prometric id and copy of the screen that comes up when I clicked the "Details" button and asked them what it meant and also asked when I will receive my certificate(if I passed). They congratulated me and asked me to verify my mailing address for them to send the certificate.

I suggest that you do the same.

BTW, congratulations

I finally passed SCEA5. The information provided in coderanch and the advise given by everyone here was absolutely fantastic.

Now, I can catch a few

15 years ago
This exam has been replaced by the new SCEA5 exam which is CX-310-052. The link is
Thank you so much... You are very helpful..

Just FYI... I used MS Paint and saved to PNG - it doubled the size --- But, when I saved it to GIF -- it reduced.

Using MS-Paint:
JPG File of 256 KB was converted to 441 KB .png file

JPG File of 256 KB was converted to 82 KB .gif file

That was a huge relief...

It appears StarUML can only *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.wmf *.emf

It does not have a png. So, what did you use for creating your diagrams.

The size of my jar file with just the sequence diagram alone is coming to 600KB. In the assignment instructions, Sun says to have the file size between 200k and 400k. How did you guys do it? Sun suggests "optimizing the graphics"... Did you do that? If yes, can you suggest some softwares. Or did you use some other technique.

I am using StarUML. I use the "export the diagram" feature to create jpegs.


GRASP stands for General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns. More info can be found on Applying UML and Patterns... by Craig Larman

IMHO it will be better if you look at this book when you are ready to start part 2. Check out the FAQ link provided by Kengkaj above. The list of books is at the bottom.

Just a question: How detailed were your sequence diagrams? Was it as detailed as providing the exact signature for methods in sequence diagrams or just providing a understandable operation name without arguments, return types etc/

15 years ago

Does it add real value to your diagrams from an architectural perspective?

From an NFR perspective, the choices that we make in the design will affect the outcome - atleast for transactions. Refer the Writing Performant EJB Beans in the Java EE 5 article from Sun.

You could argue the case for using a guard condition when it comes to transactions and security constraints

What is the replacement for guard in UML 2? Per Martin Fowler, there is no guard condition in sequence diagrams in UML2 - Refer "From UML 1.x to UML 2.0" in "UML Distilled".
Hi Kengkaj/Ronald,
This is further extension of the question on annotations and streotypes.

How about annotations that are attached to methods? For example: I need to specify two annotations @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) and @RolesAllowed("Onlyme") for one of my methods.

Sequence Diagram:
I had specified the two attributes as notes in the sequence diagram. Is this ok or is it better to specify these attributes with stereotypes such as



<<ROLES: Onlyme>>

Class Diagram:
Do I specify the method in the Class diagram as

+ somemethod() : void {TX: REQUIRES_NEW; ROLES: Onlyme}

What do you think?
