joseph xavier

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since Feb 01, 2001
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Recent posts by joseph xavier

I had a similar issue and it was resolved as per your suggestions. Thanks a lot!
16 years ago
name: jdbc/ecsgDS: First component in name ecsgDS not found. I get this error when I am trying to access the datasource through my application. I am able to successfully test the connection through the Admin console.

Any help will be appreciated.
16 years ago
Thanks a lot! The issue was resolved by modifying the application class loading set up.
16 years ago
I am migrating from WAS 4 to WAS6. I am using RSA 7.0.2 to do the migration of my code. JDK version used earlier was 1.3.18 and the current version set in my RSA is 1.4.2. I use older versions of xalan and xerces in my application. I am getting this error message.

I modified the server class loading settings to load PARENT_LAST and SINGLE loader. However, this affects the admin console as it to seems to be using another versions of the parsers. I get the following error

Has anybody faced this issue? Any help will be highly appreciated.
I am migrating from WAS 4 to WAS6. I am using RSA 7.0.2 to do the migration of my code. JDK version used earlier was 1.3.18 and the current version set in my RSA is 1.4.2. I use older versions of xalan and xerces in my application. I am getting this error message.

I modified the server class loading settings to load PARENT_LAST and SINGLE loader. However, this affects the admin console as it to seems to be using another versions of the parsers. I get the following error

Has anybody faced this issue? Any help will be highly appreciated.
16 years ago
I am working on a project wherein I am using the OpenPGP java API for encrypting and decrypting data.

I am using
OpenPGP java API used for Decryption- cryptix-openpgp-20050418-snap
Java version - JDK 1.5.0
Software using for Data encryption - MEGACRYPTION/MVS V5.4 (A encryption software used by mainframe application and supports PGP)

I am able to decrypt the file using the PGP Desktop tool, however, when I try to decrypt a file from the particular agency who is using the MEGACRYPTION, I get the following error

I am getting this error at the following point in the PGP code:
Class -

Method call -

I modified the PGP code to allow version 113 which the version that comes up when the data is being decrypted, but this gives me another error �

Thanks for your help in advance

I am working on a project wherein I am using the OpenPGP java API for encrypting and decrypting data.

I am using
OpenPGP java API used for Decryption- cryptix-openpgp-20050418-snap
Java version - JDK 1.5.0
Software using for Data encryption - MEGACRYPTION/MVS V5.4 (A encryption software used by mainframe application and supports PGP)

I am able to decrypt the file using the PGP Desktop tool, however, when I try to decrypt a file from the particular agency who is using the MEGACRYPTION, I get the following error

I am getting this error at the following point in the PGP code:
Class -

Method call -

I modified the PGP code to allow version 113 which the version that comes up when the data is being decrypted, but this gives me another error �

Thanks for your help in advance

I am working on a project wherein I am using the OpenPGP java API for encrypting and decrypting data.

I am using
OpenPGP java API - cryptix-openpgp-20050418-snap
Java version - JDK 1.5.0
Data is encrypted using - MEGACRYPTION/MVS V5.4 (A encryption software used by mainframe application and supports PGP)

I am able to decrypt the file using the PGP Desktop tool, however, when I try to decrypt a file from the particular agency who is using the MEGACRYPTION, I get the following error

I am getting this error at the following point in the PGP code:

Class -


Method call -

I modified the PGP code to allow version 113 which the version that comes up when the data is being decrypted, but this gives me another error �

Thanks for your help in advance

16 years ago
I am working on a project wherein I am using the OpenPGP java API for encrypting and decrypting data.

I am using
OpenPGP java API - cryptix-openpgp-20050418-snap
Java version - JDK 1.5.0
Data is encrypted using - MEGACRYPTION/MVS V5.4 (A encryption software used by mainframe application and supports PGP)

I am able to decrypt the file using the PGP Desktop tool, however, when I try to decrypt a file from the particular agency who is using the MEGACRYPTION, I get the following error

I am getting this error at the following point in the PGP code:

Class -


Method call -

I modified the PGP code to allow version 113 which the version that comes up when the data is being decrypted, but this gives me another error �

Thanks for your help in advance

16 years ago
Hi Shikar,
If you do not want to use the post method, another alternative is to put the strign into a session object and call the session object in which ever page you want to....and if you are using the string in the next called page then you can destroy the session object after getting the string value...
23 years ago
I am using mysql database. I tried to modify the table using the statement "alter table abc modify(CustName varchar(35) not null, CustAddr1 varchar(50));" . But it gives me an error. However it allows me to modify a single feild with this statement-"alter table abc modify CustName varchar(35) not null ;" . Again note that it is without the brackets. If I use brackets as this - "alter table abc modify (CustName varchar(35) not null );" . it again gives me errors...

can anybody let me know why mutliple feilds cannot be modified with the same statement...
23 years ago
I have a table with 2 fields - viz product code and product name. The product code which is the primary key , is autonumbered . My jsp page executes a method in bean A which inserts the product name into the table. And my next line of code calls another method of bean B which queries the same table to get the code number of the product that has been inserted.
The problem is the jsp page is not able to get the desired results that i.e. bean B is not able to query the data base successfully. The is so because the query , though the method is called afterwards, tries to query the table for the record before the insert statement in executed. When I check the database, the record is inserted into the table.I have arrived at this conclusion because , when the page is refreshed the query is executed . Probably this gives time for the inserted statement of bean A to the executed before the query statement of bean B is called.
I have also tried to call the method of bean B in bean A .
Kindly help me get over this problem as i need to know the product code immediately after the insert statement
23 years ago