Originally posted by zb cong:
and theserverside have provided a free version of pdf book about struts1.1,you can download from there.
Originally posted by Younes Essouabni:
I know that there is also some UML plug-ins. Anybody has a tried one of them?
Originally posted by Taariq Levack:
now i wonder if theres a March 31st fools day in Omars country
[ April 01, 2003: Message edited by: Taariq Levack ]
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
I wonder if April 1st has the same significance everywhere...
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
With no tipping, waiters can be as surly as they want (an God know that waiters need no excuses to be surly) because they know that it has no effect on their paycheck.
You shall reap what you sow.
Originally posted by herb slocomb:
Would I be wrong to assume that the non-Russian people had been incorporated into the Russian/Soviet empire not by voluntary immigration as in my example, but by conquest?
Originally posted by Michael Ernest:
This is a liberal argument: "everyone should ride a bicycle if they want to boycott the Axis of Evil." The beauty of it is it's exactly conservative logic, e.g.: "everyone should get the hell out of America if they don't like it." All you have to do is change the verbs and nouns.