karthik Madhesan

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Recent posts by karthik Madhesan

hai berts !
It was absolutely desperate to get this material.

19 years ago
hey guyz!
Did all get the schedulded date from prometric center...
I had regstd in pro.cent but not yet get the cofirmation date.
anyone plsz advice vat 2 do....?
Karthik- Techie
SCJP 1.4,ICAD285,Prep SCJA....
19 years ago

Originally posted by Mahesh Kumaraguru:

O.K. I got your point. I shall organise it this way. But some topics are mixed into a single webpage tutorial, for which I may not be able to make the links more granular.

[ June 16, 2005: Message edited by: Mahesh Kumaraguru ]

hai mahesh !
thanks for ur considerations of my request.....
SCJP 1.4
ICAD 285,
Prep SCJA.
19 years ago

Originally posted by Steven Bell:
Look at what you are doing. Your program does not change the case of any of the characters, it simply reverses the order.

good catch up steven...
keep it up..

SCJP1.4,ICAD 285,Prep SCJA.
19 years ago

Originally posted by Mahesh Kumaraguru:

Your suggestion is not clear to me. The links for Section 4) Algorithms is classified by Sub-section.

hi mahesh !
it is not section 4 it's section for.
ok I'll clearly explain....
if u make a link for all the topics covered in SCJA sections...
6. Java Technologies and Enterprise application integration
Section 6.) J2SE, J2EE & J2ME, RMI & Threading, JDBC, SQL, RDBMS,
JNDI, Messaging, JMS & architecture questions / EAI
In the above section 6...topics like...j2se,j2ee,jndi,rmi...are there...
if u make a link say
6.1 JNDI
6.2 J2EE
6.3 J2SE..
it should be much more precise than that.. then it'll be very easy for all the ranchers esp @ the exam time.....that's my concern....

SCJP1.4,ICAD 285,Prep SCJA.....

19 years ago
hai mahesh !
its really good initiative......for those novice in java it;s a worth collection.
iam really intrigued abt this link.......
keep it up..good work...
i have one suggestion...
"if u segregate each and every section 4 SCJA and put in the group link...it'll be very good to prepare for the SCJA EXAM quickly....."

SCJP 1.4,ICAD 285...Preparing SCJA...
19 years ago
hai krikor!
Thanks man.....it's really worthy goodies...
keep it up....

Originally posted by Krikor Krumlian:
I found this to be useful


SCJP1.4,ICAD 285.
[ June 14, 2005: Message edited by: karthik Madhesan ]
19 years ago
hai Naveen !
thanks 4 ur UML article ...it's really good yaar....
ICAD 285,SCJP 1.4
19 years ago
hai all !
i have just registered in iDomains Technologies-prometric center -bangalore.
The schedule for the exam is not decided by us...it's deciding by prometric center-depd's on the registration basis.....

Hope all u can register thro' anyone of..
1) e-mail to the pro-center..(*)
2) Phone call to Pro-center..(*)
3) Online....
Note: (*)=Preferred.....

And reg Study material....anybody knows let me know...
closing Circuit...
ICAD-285,SCJP 1.4.
19 years ago
hai Nicholas !
thanks 4 ur reply....this'll be very useful 4 me...beooz my friends are all preparing for ICAD-Test 285..
Now I'll clearly tell to all of my friends to go ahead...
one more qus!
1) whether I'll get the Hard copy of my certification....becoz most of us saying that nowadays IBM not offering the HARD COPY of the certifications..
Plsz clarify my question?

Software Enginner.
hai every body !
plsz clarify my doubts...
Right now i passed IBM certified Associate Developer-Websphere Studio V5.0.but i did't get the Hard copy of my certification from IBM.I may expect my hard copy certification by the end of march-2005.
plsz relpy for the below questions..

1) Whether i'll get the IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software V6 certificate or IBM certified Associate Developer-Websphere Studio V5.0-Test 285?

2) Here after whether there is the certification called IBM certified Associate Developer-Websphere Studio V5.0 certification...-Test 285?

3) what to do for those who are preparing for IBM certified Associate Developer-Websphere Studio V5.0 -Test 285?

4) suppose if I get IBM certified Associate Developer-Websphere Studio V5.0 certification...-Test 285 ....whether I used the same certification for future..or i want to write the IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software V6 ?

Reply requested..


Software Engineer.

hai Everbody !
I passed Test 285 ..yesterday thro Free Voucher offer....
thanks 4 all..who helped me alot....thanks for javaranch forum....

Software Engineer
Certified for IBM WebSphere Professional....
hai everybody !
i have completed my ICAD pretest on ET 6.15 AM on 1/1/05.
I am waiting for the free voucher....
did anyone get the free voucher?
let me know.abt the free voucher procedure....
how should we know that V'll get the free voucher?

software engineer.
hai Nicholas !
thank u for ur kind suggestion.
i have one more doubts.
1)whether the real exam will have the same questions as in the sample test?
2)plsz tell me about the Real exam question pattern?if not get from others..
i am preparing for my TEST 285 real exam.so i need help regarding Real exam TEST 285 question pattern.

plsz do a favour....

software engineer.
hai everybody !
i have completed my pre-assessment exam in TEST 285 @ 6.45 AM (EST).
Test is very easy...thank u for all of u...i am grateful to u guys....
1) how can i know whether i'll get the free voucher?
2) whom shall i ask ,reg for this free voucher details?

plsz let me know.....
software engineer.