vijay Mamilla

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If you have any sample pls send me.

Vijay Mamilla
18 years ago


Vijay Mamilla
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Sun Certified Business Component Developer
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect


Vijay Mamilla
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Sun Certified Business Component Developer
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect
Part 3 exam is very easy, focus on Non functional requirements such as

�Session Handling

Vijay Mamilla

How did you design Security in Web & Swing App ?

These are my assumptions:

1. 1 equipment has 1 or more seats (association)
1..* 1
Seats------------------- Equipment
2. 1 Flight has 1 equipment (association)
1 1
Equipment ------------- Flight
3. 1 segment has 1 flight (association)
1 1
segments -------------- Flight
4. Itinerary has 1 or more segments (association)
1..* 1
segments --------------- Itinerary
5. 1 Customer has 0 or more Itineraries (Itinerary navigation association towards customer;
0..* 1
Itineary ---------> customer
6. Itinerary link with payment
1 1
Itineary --------> Payment
7. Customer has composite relationship with Profile as well as Mileage account
(1-1 relation ship)
8. Profile has composite relationship with Creditcard.
9. Payment is link with Mileage account as well as Creditcard.
Payment ------------> Mileage Account
payment ------------> Creditcard
Can you please suggest me, any navigation or aggregation or composite relation ships?


These are my assumptions:

1. 1 equipment has 1 or more seats (association)
1..* 1
Seats------------------- Equipment
2. 1 Flight has 1 equipment (association)
1 1
Equipment ------------- Flight
3. 1 segment has 1 flight (association)
1 1
segments -------------- Flight
4. Itinerary has 1 or more segments (association)
1..* 1
segments --------------- Itinerary
5. 1 Customer has 0 or more Itineraries (Itinerary navigation association towards customer;
0..* 1
Itineary ---------> customer
6. Itinerary link with payment
1 1
Itineary --------> Payment
7. Customer has composite relationship with Profile as well as Mileage account
(1-1 relation ship)
8. Profile has composite relationship with Creditcard.
9. Payment is link with Mileage account as well as Creditcard.
Payment ------------> Mileage Account
payment ------------> Creditcard
Can you please suggest me, any navigation or aggregation or composite relation ships?


These are my assumptions:

1. 1 equipment has 1 or more seats (association)
1..* 1
Seats------------------- Equipment
2. 1 Flight has 1 equipment (association)
1 1
Equipment ------------- Flight
3. 1 segment has 1 flight (association)
1 1
segments -------------- Flight
4. Itinerary has 1 or more segments (association)
1..* 1
segments --------------- Itinerary
5. 1 Customer has 0 or more Itineraries (Itinerary navigation association towards customer;
0..* 1
Itineary ---------> customer
6. Itinerary link with payment
1 1
Itineary --------> Payment
7. Customer has composite relationship with Profile as well as Mileage account
(1-1 relation ship)
8. Profile has composite relationship with Creditcard.
9. Payment is link with Mileage account as well as Creditcard.
Payment ------------> Mileage Account
payment ------------> Creditcard
Can you please suggest me, any navigation or aggregation or composite relation ships?


These are my assumptions:

1. 1 equipment has 1 or more seats (association)
1..* 1
Seats------------------- Equipment
2. 1 Flight has 1 equipment (association)
1 1
Equipment ------------- Flight
3. 1 segment has 1 flight (association)
1 1
segments -------------- Flight
4. Itinerary has 1 or more segments (association)
1..* 1
segments --------------- Itinerary
5. 1 Customer has 0 or more Itineraries (Itinerary navigation association towards customer;
0..* 1
Itineary ---------> customer
6. Itinerary link with payment
1 1
Itineary --------> Payment
7. Customer has composite relationship with Profile as well as Mileage account
(1-1 relation ship)
8. Profile has composite relationship with Creditcard.
9. Payment is link with Mileage account as well as Creditcard.
Payment ------------> Mileage Account
payment ------------> Creditcard
Can you please suggest me, any navigation or aggregation or composite relation ships?

Thanks Arvind
[ February 08, 2006: Message edited by: vj reddy ]
Congrats Arvind, great Score.

Did you mention the protocol name/names (HTTPS) in component diagram?
How did you represent the Interface in component diagram (Lollipop Notation)?
