natarajan meghanathan

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since Feb 01, 2001
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Recent posts by natarajan meghanathan

I am working on the explanation for answers and will post it in a week.


Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
Thanks Cindy for your comments. I have the answers for my exam. I think you missed it. You have to browse back from the list of questions and click on answers. The thing it doesn't have now is the explanation for my answers. I will be working on it daily and updating my answers with explanations.


Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
Hi Friends,
I have prepared a mock exam, worked on it for the past two days. I have posted it in my website at
Please go through them and take the test. Feel free to send your comments, criticisms, suggestions to me at [email protected]
I plan to keep working on mock exams and keep posting them.
Expecting a lot of responses from you all.

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
"this" can be used with any member of an object. Any class member is also an instance member but the difference is the class member is common to all instances of the object and any object can manipulate it. Normally, we don't use this.staticvar++, etc. but it is not an errot to use. Only inside static methods, static initializers, there is no this or super keyword allowed.


Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
I passed the exam on Feb 9. I am in US. I didn't get my certificate yet. I searched the database in sun website. It says i passed the exam and the kit has been mailed to me on Feb13. But i didn't still receive it. I called Sun. They asked me to email to [email protected] but no reply from them either. Can anybody suggest me how to proceed.
don't worry. be confident u can win.
all the best!!


Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
I agree.
The answer should be 2.


Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
Can you again post the while loop little bit clearly. I couldn't guess the output of the code from what you have posted. what is the iif(i==2) in the while loop?


Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
Be aware of them.

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
A new string object will be created when you call replace() method only if there is a need for it (if a new string needs to be created it is created as a separate object). For example, in this case
String q = "StrinG";
String r = "StrinG".replace('g', 'G'); //2
String s = "StrinG"; //3
if(r == s)
System.out.println("Not Equal");
if (q==s) System.out.println("q does equal s");

first, the string "strinG", u r trying to manipulate in line 2 will be created in the string pool. then the replace() will be executed. There is no effect of that method here, since there is no 'g' to replace in the string. so the reference r will also point to the same string variable "strinG" in the pool. The in line 3, u r again pointing to the same string literal in the pool. So r == s will now return true.
Hope this helps,


Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
what is the microsoft's new platform independent language name?
java is eternal.


Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
23 years ago
for the + concatenation operator to work, atleast one operand must be a string. otherwise it will throw compiler error.

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
I got almost the same score i got in JQ+ tests. They are really good than any other mock tests available as of now. So wait and read more. The real exam is 20-30% easier than JQ+ ones but the new place, anxiety, time clock running infornt of you in the screen will make it equal.
If u touch 80% in JQ+, then u r sure of passing the real one.


Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
It depends!! Be prepared for around 5 to be safe.

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
36 out of 59


Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform