Pushkar Raste

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since Jan 11, 2005
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Hi frnd,
The soln

<c:forEach begin="1" end="10" step="1" var="dare">
<c ut value="10-${dare}" default="out error"/>

won't work either. You must move '10' inside EL expression. so it shld be

<c:forEach begin="1" end="10" step="1" var="dare">
<c ut value="${10-dare}" default="out error"/>

Make sure that u urself r perfect b4 challenging others.

Pushkar S. Raste
Hi James,
Default value of <body-content> is JSP as per the spec.
If you specify non-empty body content then also it is OK not to have body.

Pushkar S. Raste
Is there n e way we can get correct explanation for this, instead of making some wild guesses?

Can we report it to Sun so that we will get exact answer for this

Pushkar S. Raste
Hi Sangeeta,

if you r using IE then go to
Tools->Internet Options

click advanced tab n uncheck "Show friendly HTTP error messages"

this will definately work

Pushkar S. Raste
Hi Surya,
I am preparing for the exam for alsmost 2 months now. Just few days back I gave 'The Final Mock Exam' from HF. I got just 60% in that.

How hard is the real exam as compared to the 'The Final Mock Exam' of HF?

Hi Rohit,
Its not the problem with Tomcat. It is the JSP 2.0 spec says that <jsp:useBean>, <jsp:getProperty> and <jsp:setProperty> uses findAtrribute to find the bean.

So objects are always searched in the order page, request, seesion and application. thats why u r getting object from request scope n not from session scope.

let me know if i ma wrong

Pushkar S. Raste
[ February 25, 2005: Message edited by: Pushkar Raste ]
JSP spec says you can hv pageEncoding attribute multiple number of times.
And in it also says you can hv pageEncoding at the most once per file.
What does it exactly means. Here is the extract from JSP which some what ambiguous.

A translation unit (JSP source file and any files included via the include directive) can contain more than one instance of the page directive, all the attributes will apply to the complete translation unit (i.e. page directives are position independent). An exception to this position independence is the use of the pageEncoding and contentType attributes in the determination of the page character encoding; for this purpose, they should appear at the beginning of the page. There shall be ONLY ONE occurrence of any attribute/value pair defined by this directive in a given translation unit, unless the values for the duplicate attributes are IDENTICAL for all occurrences. The import and pageEncoding attributes are exempt from this rule and can appear multiple times. Multiple uses of the import attribute are cumulative (with ordered set union semantics). The pageEncoding attribute can occur at most once per file (or a translation error will result), and applies only to the file in which it appears. Other such multiple attribute/value (re)definitions result in a fatal translation error if the values do not match.

can n e body shed light on this

thanks & regards
Pushkar S. Raste
JSP spec says you can hv pageEncoding attribute multiple number of times.
And in it also says you can hv pageEncoding at the most once per file.
What does it exactly means. Here is the extract from JSP which some what ambiguous.

A translation unit (JSP source file and any files included via the include directive) can contain more than one instance of the page directive, all the attributes will apply to the complete translation unit (i.e. page directives are position independent). An exception to this position independence is the use of the pageEncoding and contentType attributes in the determination of the page character encoding; for this purpose, they should appear at the beginning of the page. There shall be ONLY ONE occurrence of any attribute/value pair defined by this directive in a given translation unit, unless the values for the duplicate attributes are IDENTICAL for all occurrences. The import and pageEncoding attributes are exempt from this rule and can appear multiple times. Multiple uses of the import attribute are cumulative (with ordered set union semantics). The pageEncoding attribute can occur at most once per file (or a translation error will result), and applies only to the file in which it appears. Other such multiple attribute/value (re)definitions result in a fatal translation error if the values do not match.

can n e body shed light on this

thanks & regards
Pushkar S. Raste
19 years ago
Hi Rajesh,
I just paged through the HFS book, but found it little dis-oriented. All those images, tips and the actual text are mixed, hence hence think there is no continuity in that.

But wht's ur opinoin as u have studied HFS, n I have just paged thr it.

20 years ago