James Velez

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since Jan 11, 2005
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Thanks for everyone's input. Its good to hear everyone's opinions on the matter. Hopefully it'll help more people in my situation.

Its a complex decision to make and I'll definitely be talking to more people (counselors and such), though I am leaning towards the information systems side (while continuing programming study on my own). Until then, any additional input is always welcome.
20 years ago
That's a good point. But that begs the question: how will the IT job market be over the coming decades? I know that it is very difficult to say. However, if anyone has any insight about the long term future of the IT job market, it would be greatly appreciated.

I like programmming and if it would provide a good lifestyle, it would be even better. I just wanna know exactly what I'm getting into, and what to expect. I know you guys aren't economists or anything, but as I stated already, any insights would be helpful.
20 years ago
My situation is, I have spent the last two years finishing my university's core classes (history, english, etc.)

I need to make a decision, should I seek a career in computers (I'm very much into Java), or something else all together. (as I can major in pretty much anything at this point)

I ask this because although I would like to work in the IT industry, judging from some of these posts, it looks like a really rough road. I mean, is it so bad that although I may be good in what I do, it may still not be enough?

How bad is bad? Is it bad enough that I should seriously consider majoring in something else? Or should I just keep at it and hope for the best?
20 years ago