Aaron Anderson

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since Feb 02, 2001
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Looks like you are running this on a UNIX box without x-windows configured. Unfortunately, you have to have X-windows configured to use the swing packages even if you are not displaying windows under JDK 1.3 on UNIX boxes. They fixed this problem with JDK 1.4
23 years ago
I am trying to invoke a call to an entity EJB using SOAP. The Apache SOAP 2.1 version supports this but I can find absolutely no documentation on using the EntityEJBProvider. The binaries include a stateless session bean example but that does not help me understand how to maintain state between calls. Any ideas on where to look?
It was in the march issue of Java Developers journal. You can read all of the back issues for free (!!!) by going to http://www.sys-con.com/java/archives/ and registering.
You will have to wait for the next mag to come out before they move the march issue to the archives or you could pick it up in the store. It is by far my favorite magazine so I have a subscription

Originally posted by Avijeet Dash:
Can you pl. find that document link you have mentioned?

I am not a UML expert, but why does UML need to incorporate new representations for EJB models? Cannot these same models be created using existing UML syntax? In last month's JDJ there was an article about standardizing the UML EJB representation. It seems to me that defining an object as an EJB is more of an implementation/idiom level specification and not a abstract model level description that I thought UML was suppose to deal with.
Togethersoft has an excelent UML modeling tool that does absolutely everything you need. UML modeling,documentation, metrics, debugging, EJB deployment, everything.
I attended the Building Better Apps Faster (http://www.togethersoft.com/feb01tour.html)presentation in Dallas on Friday. It was basically a product demonstration but it was worth my time since what I saw was so cool! This tool does just about everything. You can create UML models and it will generate the java code, and if you change the code the model changes and vice versa. It can generate HTML and Word documentation of all your diagrams, it can perform code analysis and output all the metrics, and it has a debugger so you can debug your code (as you step through your code it steps through the model as well), and supports various source control programs.
The thing I found most impressive was the EJB deployment. This guy create a EJB, listing only the business methods in the model,added some logic in the functions, hit deploy, clicked the weblogic app server, skipped most the of the deployment description since it was so simple, and deployed it. It took like 45 seconds! And then he preceded to debug the client and EJB using the debugger. The 4.3 version due out the middle of march will support JSP's and servlet debugging as well as support EJB 2.0, something 4.2 does not. I was highly impressed to say the least. I have been using Jbuilder 4.0 and this tool has almost the same functionality as it plus all the extras.
I agree with peter that the network bandwidth is too great to pass the emails back and forth for sorting only purposes. Imagine that in peter's example all 100 users login in decided to change their view of the email in less than 5 minutes.300MB in an initial sort order, 300MB from the client to the server to change the order,and then 300MB back to the clients in the desired order = 900MB/5min= (900*8)/300=24mbs. You would need a pretty beefy connection otherwise this could slow the response time down to a crawl and in the worse case could crash the server. HTML is a thin client so almost all of the work should be done on the server side. I do not see why re-running the query again is such a bad idea. The database would be much more efficient in sorting and storing the data than the application server, especially if indexed. Also is it necessary to display all of the emails at the same time? Why not limit it to 25 or so. This would make things MUCH more manageable.
23 years ago
Did you Check the server logs? I have found them to be vital in debugging problems with the iws. Unfortunately I have not configured iws for servlets but instead used Jrun to process them. Again, check out the logs they will tell you what is wrong