Karen Young

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since Jan 12, 2005
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Congratulations!! How many classes/components did you have in your diagrams?
Hi Jeff,

Here are my thoughts on this problem. What if the database had a Reservations table that held the Flight#, date and Seat# for those seats that were already reserved? Then you only need to retrieve the seat numbers for that equipment type for that flight on that day that re not in the Reservations table. Or we can retrieve that info. from the stored itineraries since we have to persist them anyway.
Thank you, Josep. Did you show attributes and methods in the classes or were they just class names? Thank you.
Congratulations!!! Good score. Now, can you share your experience? How many classes did you have?
Congratulations! How many classes did you have in your class diagram? Thank you.
I don't think the fare is directly related to the flight. Rather, it depends on the type of seat.
I see some questions here regarding Struts. Do we have to actually code the assignment? Do we even have to mention the framework we plan to use or can we say it can be chosen at a later point? I have trouble starting the assignment since I am not sure if I should use a particular framework. Thank you.
But, does that mean the compiler will not allow an empty finalize() method? Or is it just good practice not to hane a finalize method? Thank you.
Try using this in your ejb-jar.xml.

<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd">
20 years ago
Hi All,

I've been reading up on EJB technology and the book says a bean class cannot define the finalize() method. Why? Can I define the finalize() method if I have a finally{} block in there that calls super.finalize()? Thank you.