Rani Kumar

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since Jan 12, 2005
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Recent posts by Rani Kumar

I was just wondering is it a good practice to have client side validation using Java scripts in Struts

19 years ago
Sorry about that, We are loading the session with lot of other attributes like HashTables and Vectors, This is just to pass few other attributes and my TL wants to exclude those from session, Is this makes sense or do you need more info, I am really sorry about this I didn't know how to explain it

Thank you.
19 years ago
Hello All,

I am really sorry for not getting in touch with the thread since I was out of town, Ramkumar was rite I was told not to use session and I can think of some request parameters to set the values and send it across the pages without session

Thanks you so much for everyone who replied
19 years ago
Hello Everyone,

I need to send some values across pages within the session, But I am not suppose to use session object to store the values, Could any one let me how do I achieve it

19 years ago
Hello Everyone,

I am working in JSP and Servlets and my project is getting over, I attended few interviews, I was asked a question What was the thoughest situation I have ever faced and how I came up with that, I really didn't come thru any of those and interviewers wanted me to answer this, can anybody help me out with any examples

Thanks in advance.
19 years ago