benny rusli

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since Jan 15, 2005
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Recent posts by benny rusli

or you can put the mysql connector jar file into the directory where you install your jdk or jre. Specifically put into the directory : c:/Java/jdk1.5.0/jre/lib/ext or if you only install jre c:/Java/jre1.5.0/lib/ext. I hope this help you.
i think the error, is in your method register. You should use pstmt.setInt(3,telNum); instead of pstmt.setInt(3,telnu); and dont forget to try the database connection with following code :

if the connection is established, that means your problem is not in the connection. Hope this help you.
hello people,

i am facing a small problem to retrieve the multiple value from drop-down list. Following code are written, but the result is null or there is no result displayed after invoking this page. Many thanks for helping to solve this problem.

18 years ago
Hello people,

in my project, i am trying to encode the password using md5(MessageDigest) before inserting the password into db. This approach happens in the registration.jsp. The code that i made, shown like this :

Is this approach, that is normally used in common jsp page. I am wondering if someone could tell me another approach to aid a maximal security result. Any help will be appreciated.
18 years ago
Hello people,

i have a question, which class is convenient to use for writing more than 15.000.000 rows in a text file. The following classes are considered :
FileReader and FileWriter from package, RandomAccessFile from package ,or FileChannel from java.nio package. For example i want to write the iterated number into a text file, as the below code shown :

Any help will be appreciated.
18 years ago
Hello people,

yes the same result if i manually install the plug in, but through the Help/Software Updates menu within eclipse success without problem. Thanks for the solving
18 years ago
Hello people,

i am trying to use Visual Editor from Eclipse as plug-ins.
I extract the EMF build 2.2.0M4,the GEF Build 3.2M4 and and copy the plug-ins files (jar files)
into the eclipse plug-ins directory.
So i start the eclipse and want to build Swing Application
but following error was occured :

The Eclipse that i use is and
for linux eclipse-SDK-3.1.2-linux-gtk.tar.gz or the newest one.
Could someone tell me how to solve the problem, many thanks.
18 years ago
Hello people,

thanks for responding my question. The problem is solved if i put the JAVA_HOME and PATH in /root/.bashrc. Thanks Stefan for the information, next time i will split the code into two or three part. Besides that, after remove the kaffa jdk and installing the sun jdk, i got the eclipse running perfectly. The only thing i dont get right is put the JAVA_HOME and PATH into /etc/bash.bashrc or /etc/profile and get the system wide javahome setting. There is no error, if i write java -version, there output said the command java is not found. Another question : which ist better, the Eclipse IDE or Netbeans IDE, i have tested the both, from the speed execution, Eclipse is speeder than Netbeans, which Swing and AWT Builder for the Eclipse are you use ? i use Jigloo GUI Builder for Eclipse but dont satisfiy with that. Many thanks.
18 years ago
Hello people,

thanks for replaying my question, i want to save the path of directory to List Collection because i want to avoid the double entry name such as c:\java\example.txt could occur two time if i zip a large of directory and file(more than 2 GB). And the second reason i want to obtain the directory structure. Have anyone better solution than i have gotten, here is my code :

Another solution would be appreciated.
18 years ago
Hello people,

i want to know how save the directory structure to ArrayList, and then later i can iterate it, so that the double path or the double string remove and then i will zip the directory with the ZipOutputStream class (of course i give the path to FileInputStream and write it to ZipOutputStream). Which one is better : ArrayList, TreeSet, Vector, List, etc from Collection class ? Can someone give an example how to figure it, any help would be appreciated ?
18 years ago
Hello people,

i can not figure it out how to show the process running with ProgressMonitorInputStream during the zip execution. I have written a GUI with Swing to zip the file and if i click the zip button, a dialog should appear to show me that the process is being done, for instance from 0% - 100%. The second question is, which one is the best to use : JProgressBar,ProgressMonitor,ProgressMonitorInputStream. I know that the bytes should be read and then pass to JProgressBar or the other, but i could not figure it out in two days. The code, that i have written, works but the ProgressMonitorInputStream does not show the 0%-100%. Can some please give me an example how to use the three class (JProgressBar,ProgressMonitor,ProgressMonitorInputStream) correctly ? any help would be appreciated.

This Code just only zip a file :
18 years ago
Hello people,

thanks for responding my question. I have tried to put the JAVA_HOME and PATH in bash.bashrc and then restarting the system but the result is the same, i cann't execute the java program from console. Here is my profile and bash.bashrc from /etc folder under Debian Sarge. Can someone tell me how to put to approriate place, as you can see i put it in the end of bash.bashrc, is that right ? but without success.

18 years ago
Hello people,

to set java home to environment setting for temporarly, i use this command :

export JAVA_HOME

export PATH

with java -version, the output shows the jdk version, but if i close the console, then open a new console and type java -version, there is not output. Can someone tell me how to set JAVA_HOME in configuration file ? where is the configuration file in Debian Sarge ? in /etc, but where ? any help would be appreciated.
[ January 27, 2006: Message edited by: arifin rusli ]
18 years ago
Hello people,

can someone explain me, what is the meaning of this row from the code below : "String s = Integer.toHexString( digest[i] & 0xFF );" , what is digest[i] & 0xFF. When to use byte and when to use int ? whether the both is same ? if i print out the byte = 20; is the same if i print out int = 20;. Many thanks for responding my question.

18 years ago
Hello people,

how to make a signed int to unsigned int, i want to show the int number more than 2147483647 for positiv number. We know that int have 4 Byte = 32 bits that means -(2^16)<number<(2^16)-1, i want to make it (2^32)-1 positiv number.

Any help will be appreciated, thanks.
18 years ago