Jas Oberai

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since Jan 16, 2005
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Recent posts by Jas Oberai

Thanks Ulf,
That resolved the issue...I want to fork out the process and run it under a separate JVM,thats why i did that...

Thanks Again...
17 years ago
Hi Friends,
I have a servlet and a java class under the same package. I call the java class from the servlet i.e:

And I get this error message:

I don't understand if both the class files are in the same location, how can it not find the second class??? Moreover if I go to that same location using command line and give the same command there,it works fine...

Can someone please tell me how to resolve this classpath issue???

17 years ago
Thanks for your reply.I can try some other way to detect java for eg, I could run a batch script to start with,that should check to see if java is there or not.

If yes,launches the ant installer otherwise starts java installation.

Is that feasible?Any help on that??
17 years ago
Hi Friends,
I have a ant based installer. Now,I want to write an ant script that should detect if java is already installed on the system or not.If not, it should try to install java that is there with the installer package.
So,any help as to how to accomplish this??
17 years ago
Thanks a lot TIM for that detailed explanation..have a great weekend
18 years ago
Hi Friends,
I have a ant script,that reads a paramterized file(abc.xml) and does filtering and produces a output file(xyz.xml)...depending upon the values setup in the properties file.

Now,my problem is if i put a exclamation mark in the properties file as some value,it is automatically ignored by the script.

So, abcd! becomes abcd ... so is "!" a special character,if yes how to excape it then??

18 years ago
Hi Friends,
I am still waiting for the reply.I proceed little further.I exported the current settings for the Authentication Provider and got these 5 files:


and then imported them into a different authentication provider.It imported successfully,but when i see the queries it still shows the old default queries,can someone tell me how to update them.

18 years ago
Hi Friends,
As of now I manually type queries under configuration-->Provider Specific page.But I see this document on "Import data into a security provider"


I am just wondering is there any way by which I can type the queries and then import that file
and it automatically sets the following fields for me:


Your help would be greatly appreciated.
18 years ago
I have a linux machine,so can you please tell me where to make the entry in linux.
18 years ago
Hi Friends,
I have installed weblogic,and I can see the homepage when I do this:

But I do not see the homepage,if I replace it with the I.P, i.e.:

And I know there's nothing wrong with the ip,as other servers work fine with that.So,where can i change the configuration in weblogic so that it starts recognizing the ip as tomcat does.

18 years ago
Hi friends,
I bought this voucher last year after SCJP,but then got a job and never had time to get back.The voucher was going to expire on the 30th of this month.
I have more then one year exp. working with J2EE components.
I prepared for the exam in 1 week (12 hours a day) and read just the HSFJ book twice...and gave the mock exam at the back of the book.
-I posted my doubts on Java ranch and thank all ranchers for helping me out.
-I also looked at the servlet API at times.

I got 60% in custom tags,rest all were good.

Thanks for all your help guys....SCBCD comes next!!!

[ June 28, 2006: Message edited by: Jas Oberai ]
18 years ago
Pg825 in HFSJ
They say this is a valid listener element:

But,the web.xml specs says under listener only this element is optional and valid:

So,can someone please tell me how <description> becomes valid inside <listener>

Thanks in advance
You just need to add the request scope and it works fine i.e.:

<jsp:useBean id='person' type='foo.Employee' scope="request">
<jsp:setProperty name='person' property='name' value='Fred'/>

Because in the servlet,you are setting the bean in the request scope.
Thanks Friends for all your help..really appreciate it from the core of my heart...