Sreedevi Vinod

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since Jan 17, 2005
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Recent posts by Sreedevi Vinod


I have checkboxes against display tag table rows. Let me take the case where the table spans multiple pages and I select checkboxes from the first and second pages, and then click 'submit'. Only the checkboxes from the second pages are getting submitted. How can I solve this issue?

17 years ago

I have the same question. Can someone help with an answer?

If I have 2 Spring context files in my web application and both are loaded, can a bean in the first file be wired to a bean in the second file? Will there be such a visibility?

There are some sample applications that comes along with the software. They are quite useful.

Thanks for the link. It is for debugging purposes at development time when using prepared statements.

In Spring, is there any way to print the actual sql query string that is executed via the JDBCTemplate when PreparedStatement is used?

[ June 19, 2007: Message edited by: Sreedevi Vinod ]

My application uses Struts in the presentation layer and Spring in the business and data layers. My Struts actions have also been made Spring beans by registering them in the Spring context file and using the DelegatingActionProxy.

My Spring context file that wires the beans is now lying in the WEB-INF folder and referred in the struts-config file.

The application also has a scheduler component that does not need a presentation layer. How do I make the Spring context file to be accessible to this class also? Where will I load the context file, since adding it to WEB-INF will only make it accessible via Struts.


I downloaded the latest production release of Struts which is v 1.3.8. But I get an error at runtime - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/struts/action/ActionError
I checked the struts-core-1.3.8.jar and found that the ActionErrors class was present, but the ActionError class was missing. What should I do now? Should I copy this class from some previous version of struts?

17 years ago
We want to have a Struts front end for our Spring application. I was looking at registering the Struts actions in the Spring context and using DelegatingActionProxy as discussed in
However, we do not want to call the Spring services from the Struts actions, instead we want to call the methods of a controller (all actions will use the same controller), which in turn will interact with the services.

Do I need to repeat this code for every action or is there a way to do this just once and have all the actions get this propery?


Thanks for your response. I downloaded the code from your site, but could not find the code for locating remote beans from a servlet or EJB using @EJB annotation. Where do we specify the jndi properties in this case? Do we use a file like we do for standalone clients?

[ April 22, 2007: Message edited by: Sreedevi Vinod ]
hi all,

I have an EJB deployed in a JBoss server on a machine. I want to invoke another EJB deployed on a remote server. I want to use the @EJB annotation to inject the remote EJB reference. How do I specify the remote server url in this annotation? Or do I specify this in some xml file?

I got this paragraph from

EJB 3.0 dependency injection only works in the local JNDI. Hence you cannot inject objects from remote servers.

Does this mean that I cannot use @EJB annotation from remote clients?

Thanks, Jai Kiran and Vu Lee.
When I changed the code as below, it works.

Can you explain why this JNDI name is not bound to the java:comp/env namespace? What do I need to do to bind the JNDI name of the data source to java:comp/env?
Also, what is the code that I can use to loop and print out all the JNDI bindings?

I have read that resource injection works at both class level and field level. If the same resource is required in multiple fields, we might choose class level injection. So why isn't it working for me when I use a JNDI lookup? Like I said, it does work when I use the lookup() method of SessionContext.


I want to do a JNDI lookup of a data source using the @Resource annotation. When I use the string "java:comp/env/demoDS" or "demoDS" it does not work. But if I use the lookup() method of the SessionContext and pass the name "demoDS", it works perfectly. Why doesn't the JNDI lookup work? The code is shown below.



Can you please elaborate on that? In JBoss, if I don't specify the JNDI name in jboss.xml or using @RemoteBindings, the default is taken as 'beanName'/remote. But this is not the default JNDI name if I use WebLogic. If the spec defines it, should it not be standardized across all the app servers?
