Hi all,
Here's some information about what I did and didn't do in my scea part II assignment.
I started with a solid data model based on the domain model that was given with the assignment. I did subtly alter the domain model as it's almost unworkable in it's supplied form.
My Sequence diagrams were really detailed although I actually feel that It would have been better to reduce the level of detail and I think that this is a skill that I'm going to work very hard on.
All of my Sequence diagrams were from the point of view of the Web Client as this is the view given by the Use Cases. I did do a sequence diagram for all of the Use Cases as it helped to clarify what classes were needed. I used Together 4.2 througout and I used real classes and operations in the Sequence diagrams which helps with labeling messages. I probably used every option available for labeling messages in one place or another. Where necessary I used more than 1 Sequence diagram per Use Case. I did not size down the gif files of the diagrams as this lost detail.
My class diagram was derived from my sequence diagram although I did leave some stuff out that would have added complexity to the diagram. I actually did a separate class diagram that detailed my Entity Beans and their relationships with one another. I tried to use Associations and Dependencies appropriatly and I also used aggregation to reasonable effect.
My component diagram was more of a deployment diagram but I seem to have got away with it. The UML is quite flexible in these things. The best part of my component diagram is that it looked impressive.
Throughout the whole thing I used detailed stereotypes which added lots of information to the diagrams. My documentation was created using a HTML editor (Netscape 6 composer) and it looked quite professional. I added notes to clarify the way the system worked and I actually included the schema for the Data Model. In the exam I talked lots about patterns and J2EE techologies. I also recommended the use of iAS 6.x for scalability which probably ensured that I would pass

That's really all that I've got to say. Remember that this is a description of what I did and not me saying what you should do in your assignment. It's possible that I did things wrong but that these things weren't things that lost me marks.