Amanda Waite

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Just for the record, the Beta testers had to answer all of the 109 questions that are available in the released exam and only had 135 minutes in which to do so. Also the pass mark is determined by the scores of the Beta testers and I expect that just as many Beta testers failed the exam as passed and I imagine that the pass mark was the same for us as it was for everyone.
I'd like to suggest that the moderators deal severely with people who seem to enjoy throwing around inflammatory remarks.
Hi all,
I've just heard from Sun that the Beta testers for the WCD cert exam will get the results 4 weeks after the cert became public. They also say that the exam went public on the 24th July so it'll be 4 weeks from then.
Hi Javed,
Congratulations on passing the exam. You may well be the first to do so
I'm still waiting to find out if I have passed the Beta version of the WCD. As yet Sun have still not posted the pass mark on their web site. Can you telll the group what is the pass mark, how many questions are there and how long are you given to take the test.
Not yet. I keep checking though. I seem to remember that the printout that I got after the exam said that I'd be given the results 30 days after the exam became publicly available. Besides, the pass mark hasn't been published yet.
Hi all,
John's notes aren't or shouldn't be enough of a resource for you to pass the exam. If you can pass the exam using only John's notes then John has made a mistake in posting them here. I suggest that you learn the subject material and that you only use John's notes to clear up any gray areas or to confirm your understanding.
I know I'll be shot down in flames for saying that, which is sad as I'd really like everyone on this list to pass the Architect Certification.
Hi there,
Thta's a difficult question to answer as you can use most GOF patterns when developing a J2EE application. The J2EE framework really only uses three (OK all, correct me if you think that I'm wrong), the Factory Method, The Abstract Factory and the Proxy. The Proxy is used for both the Home and Remote interfaces and the Factory Method and Abstract Factory are mainly used together when getting hold of Resource Ref's via JNDI and with JNDI itself. It could be said that Abstract Factory is used by the container for creating EJB Objects (as opposed to Beans). Dependent on the implementation of the underlying container, it could be said that the either the Bridge or Mediator patterns are used in order to access the Bean itself.

Hi all,
I sat the Beta exam at the beginning of the June. The important think to note is that it tests on the new Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.1 spec's and not on the current versions. I was up to speed on the Servlet spec and most of the JSP spec but not on the Taglib part. How was I to know that there really was a BODY_TAG_BUFFERED return value
The scope is fairly narrow, narrower than the programmers exam and so it shouldn't be too difficult to pass. Of course that's dependent on the pass mark and that's dependant on how I and the other Beta testers did. Unfortunately I don't expect them to tell us the results until the end of August.
Hope this helps
Hi Joe,
I made my decisions and then I documented them all. I actually think that the business analyst that created the Use Case diagrams and the Domain Model was probably sacked. It's really difficult to see how you could architect any solution with an incorrect Domain Model, should I expect FBN to change their business to fit with my design??
Also I would have liked to have interviewed the CIO and CEO some more and then I could have produced my own Use Case diagrams and narratives that would have hopefully cleared up the grey areas in the Requirements. But such are the trials of architecting. As it stands we would have probably missed the deadline by a very long way.
Hi Vivek,
You could see it as a good opportunity. The problem that I've always had with being a Java Architect is that architects need to work with *all* available technologies unless your client is someone who is totally anti Java or anti M$. The opportunity to learn .NET skills on top of what you have now is a good one. Believe me, competition between J2EE and .NET is going to be fierce and I really feel that we are going to have a number of years where these technologies are fighting for market share. I am overtly anti M$ but I perfectly happy to not only work with their technologies but to actually recommend them when they are perfectly suited for the job in hand.
As I said, look at this as an opportunity to add to your skills. Embrace it.
Hi Leon,
Look it up on Amazon. It's written by Grady, Booch and Jacobson who are collectively known as "The Three Amigos".
The ISBN of the book is 0201571684
It's a guide on how to use the UML and as such it's a good reference book. It's not going to teach you how to do OO analysis and design though. It's just handy to have around if someone has asked you to produce UML diagrams that conform to the UML.
Hi Luke,
From what I've heard so far I'd say some have scored 100% on the sequence diagram section with only the 4 Use Cases that were documented and others have scored 100% with sequnce diagrams for all of the Use Cases on the Use Case diagram. I first thought that it was pointless trying to sequence a Use Case that didn't have a narrative or activity diagram but when I had finished the 4 primary Use Cases I felt that the system was sufficiently well defined that I could tackle the other Use Cases. So I did them all including separate diagrams for both of the major flows through Pay for Itinerary.
Assuming that because of my score everything that I say must be right is possibly a mistake. Firstly you'll probably interpret what I say in your own way and secondly you may be talking about something that has no right or wrong way because it's just not on Sun's "score sheet".
Whatever, the very best of luck with your submission.
Hi Leon,
I used Together 4.2 for my assigment.
For reading, If you've passed part 1 then you probably already have the skills (or the books) needed to pass parts 2 & 3.
A few days before I submitted part 2 I got hold of a copy of the UML User guide by the Three Amigos and that helped clear some syntax poitns up. Most rely on UML "Distilled" by fowler which misses some of the subtleties that you can only find in a reference book. Sun will soon be publishing a book:
Hope this helps
Hi dan'l,
I think that the Pet Store is a good eCommerce application but it's not a flight booking system. It helped me in that it was a real world implementation of the FrontController, View and Dispatcher patterns and before I looked at the Pet Store I wasn't really sure how best to model these patterns.
I actually found out more about Flight Booking Web apps from visiting American Airlines, TWA, BA and Virgin and actually booking seats and flights.
Hi Vivek,
iAS is iPlanet Application Server which is Sun's flagship App Server. I mentioned it in the part 3 exam as the App Server of choice for scalability. From what I hear iAS does scale well but I mentioned only because I thought that it would impress the markers
Hi all,
Here's some information about what I did and didn't do in my scea part II assignment.
I started with a solid data model based on the domain model that was given with the assignment. I did subtly alter the domain model as it's almost unworkable in it's supplied form.
My Sequence diagrams were really detailed although I actually feel that It would have been better to reduce the level of detail and I think that this is a skill that I'm going to work very hard on.
All of my Sequence diagrams were from the point of view of the Web Client as this is the view given by the Use Cases. I did do a sequence diagram for all of the Use Cases as it helped to clarify what classes were needed. I used Together 4.2 througout and I used real classes and operations in the Sequence diagrams which helps with labeling messages. I probably used every option available for labeling messages in one place or another. Where necessary I used more than 1 Sequence diagram per Use Case. I did not size down the gif files of the diagrams as this lost detail.
My class diagram was derived from my sequence diagram although I did leave some stuff out that would have added complexity to the diagram. I actually did a separate class diagram that detailed my Entity Beans and their relationships with one another. I tried to use Associations and Dependencies appropriatly and I also used aggregation to reasonable effect.
My component diagram was more of a deployment diagram but I seem to have got away with it. The UML is quite flexible in these things. The best part of my component diagram is that it looked impressive.
Throughout the whole thing I used detailed stereotypes which added lots of information to the diagrams. My documentation was created using a HTML editor (Netscape 6 composer) and it looked quite professional. I added notes to clarify the way the system worked and I actually included the schema for the Data Model. In the exam I talked lots about patterns and J2EE techologies. I also recommended the use of iAS 6.x for scalability which probably ensured that I would pass
That's really all that I've got to say. Remember that this is a description of what I did and not me saying what you should do in your assignment. It's possible that I did things wrong but that these things weren't things that lost me marks.