Hi all,
williams,jay, Whats next? probably i will decide after a meeting with my friends... which depends on company policy as well. If company sponsors another test, i will go for SCBCD.. let see its too early.. but i will be on the forum always..only my frequency of apperance will keep changing
deshdeep divakar, for weakness in any particular section, post the question. but to build strategy read below.
whatever question u solve, dont check answers immediately
following these rules
1) Mark the option u feel is correct
2) Do this for all questions of a mock test/series
3) Then find out which all questions went wrong (dont see the right answer)
4) reattempt those questions which went wrong
5) till u give up your last mental strength or till u get all right yourself,u will go to step 3 again and again.
6) here u know that u dont know the why a particular answer even with the best of your intelligence couldnt solve it. look at the explanation given by the solution guide of that test
7) try hard to understand.. still not understood it time for external help. go to javaranch!
8) dont post question immediately. use search feature and try to find answer.. some one has already posted the detailed explanation and u can just read it direcly u save time of yours and others.
9) u couldnt find the answer using search feature of javaranch. frame a precise question and post it
10) follow rules laid by javaranch moderators..
11) also answer back to others if possible..
Mohan mani,Amit, thats the purpose of posting this good news..
rathiji, we all including you are real classmates here at Javaranch..
mi mohammed, yes i am passionate person. u r good at knowing people from distance
sorry if i have missed anybody's questions or good wishes given to me..
