KasiMurugan Ramasamy

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since Jan 30, 2005
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Recent posts by KasiMurugan Ramasamy

HI All,

Thanks for reply. My question was, Signing a certificate by using certificate(our certificate, so private key will be with us only) returned from CA.

I found the way. I have done it.

Thank so you so much for replies.
13 years ago

Iam new to IBM websphere 7.

I just want to know how to package a EAR.

I have some application jars and spring framework jars. Those jars are referred in EJB and Web modules.

Where I have to keep those common jars.(I want to know the way other than shared library concept in Websphere).

In weblogic 10, we used to keep those common jars in the following

EAR Structure,
APP-INF/lib(common jars)
EJB jar
Web war

13 years ago
Hi All,

I want to know how do generate the KeyPair and Sign that certificate by CA Root Certificate.

I need some code sample or link to get more info.

13 years ago

The issue is resolved. The issue was the ocjdbc.jar. We uploaded the jar to Linux(appserver is running) from windows machine using some software.

That jar was corrupted. This is the reason.

Thank you guys for your response.
13 years ago
Hi Sergey,

Thanks for your reply.
When I configured database provider, I expilictly mentioned full path(including, like /apps/WebSphere/AppServer7/oracle/lib/ojdbc5.jar) of the jar, where the ojdbc.jar is available.

But its not taking the jar.
13 years ago

Iam using websphere 7. Tried to configure datasource.

But i have put the required jar in configured path.
Iam getting the following exception.

2/17/11 11:20:24:539 SGT] 00000014 DataSourceCon E DSRA8040I: Failed to connect to the DataSource. Encountered "": java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource
at java.lang.Class.forNameImpl(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:169)
at com.ibm.ws.rsadapter.DSConfigurationHelper.loadDataSourceClass(DSConfigurationHelper.java:2247)
at com.ibm.ws.rsadapter.DSConfigurationHelper$8.run(DSConfigurationHelper.java:3318)
at com.ibm.ws.security.util.AccessController.doPrivileged(AccessController.java:118)
13 years ago

Is there any limit on Message size(number of bytes) for JMS in Websphere 7.0?

If so, how to do that through console?

13 years ago

Anybody can recommend me the standard certification for XML technologies like Sun for java certification?.

Please mention the good reference book as well.
Hi All,

I have resolved this issue after putting Patch for this issue. We got it from Oracle Weblogic support Team.

Patch Info,
CR364493, Bug 8066979
14 years ago

To Send message from weblogic application to IBM MQ,

I have configured weblogic bridge between weblogic 10.3 JMS and MQ JMS. sending first message to weblogic JMS while the MQ server was down causes the following exception.

After the MQ server came up also that message is not getting transfer from weblogic JMS to MQ JMS. But after restarting the weblogic server, the stucked message is cleared off from weblogic JMS and went to MQ.

Does any body face this exception?.

Could somebody tell me the solution to resolve this message

failed on resource 'eis/jms/WLSConnectionFactoryJNDIXA':
XAER_RMERR : A resource manager error has occured in the transaction branch
javax.transaction.xa.XAException: XA operation failed, see errorCode
at com.ibm.mq.MQXAResource.start(MQXAResource.java:451)
at weblogic.connector.security.layer.AdapterLayer.start(AdapterLayer.jav
at weblogic.connector.transaction.outbound.XAWrapper.start(XAWrapper.jav
at weblogic.transaction.internal.XAServerResourceInfo.start(XAServerReso
at weblogic.transaction.internal.XAServerResourceInfo.xaStart(XAServerRe
14 years ago

Anyone, could you tell me the best book for linux reference?
16 years ago
Hi Friends,

We are encountering a problem in Websphere Connection Pooling.
We have set max connection as 10.

In a While loop we are calling a method which updates database. We are closing the connection in that database method at end.

If the while exceeds 10 iteration, we are facing the server hang up. It seems the close connection doesn't return connection immediately to the connection pool.

Please tell me, what could be the problem?. Is there any setting we have to change.
16 years ago

If your requirement is to see the source code for a any class, you can try to use JAD(Decompiler).

You can install it in your machine and use it. And also you can use it as elcipse plugin.
17 years ago
hai joy,

is it working now?. what is the final code snippet?
17 years ago
hai joy,

is it working now?. what is the final code snippet?
17 years ago