Reza Rahman

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since Feb 01, 2005
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Answers below:
1. Passivation and destruction will never occur together. It's always one or the other.
2. Order is not guaranteed and you should not depend on it.
3. The extending interface settings take precedence, so it will be remote. It's usually a bad idea to use inheritance in this way in the real world.
You can apply transactions to life cycle callbacks as of EJB 3.2.
I'm not sure there is a universally applicable answer to this. Technology choices are really in the end an individual decision. I have used Java EE and EJB for many years now and have absolutely no regrets. I think it is an awesome technology. I've commented on Java EE/EJB adoption on other recent threads, please check it out.
If this is really a question on Java EE adoption, I've recently answered the question in another thread.
It is just a matter of placing a few annotations on EJBs to expose them via REST or SOAP. We have chapters in the book dedicated to the topic.
The simple answer is that you can't.
I think it would be a good topic for a blog. A bit too much of an edge case still for a book.
In all reality, EJB Lite is probably not that useful. GlassFish, WildFly and TomEE all support a full EJB version. We talk about EJB Lite very briefly in the book.
Yes, all these topics are covered in the book.
You can easily do this with just EJB3 and the other technologies outlined in the book such as JAX-RS, JMS and CDI.
I've answered this question in another recent thread. Please check there. In short, we have seen good adoption since Java EE 6:
This is very likely an issue with your build. I would extract your deployment artifacts and see what it actually contains.
You would need EJBs in a Java EE application when you need services such as transactions, security, pooling, monitoring, asynchronous processing, scheduling and the like. The fist and second chapters of EJB 3 in Action answers this question in detail.
The book is indeed aimed principally at absolute beginners (like the first edition)!
There's really not that much new in EJB 3.2. The major change was deprecation of CMP and BMP. I would say in terms of the book the most interesting content is around @Asynchronous, @Scheduled, CDI and WebSocket. BTW, thanks for the kind words!