Sam Sun

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since Feb 01, 2005
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Recent posts by Sam Sun

17 years ago
Lets say that the garbage collection of the application is running too frequently or is running for too long.

What would be some typical first steps in identifying the problem and what are some typical solutions for this situation?

[ April 10, 2006: Message edited by: Yefeng Sun ]
18 years ago
Somehow this answered this question in another way.

On Head First EJB Page 213

Q: I don't see why you can't call ejbRemove() on a bean when you're going to kill it.
A: First of all, you honestly expect me to bring a bean out of passivation just to kill it? Talk about a waste of overhead! Sheesh, you should know better, if you care about performance.

This somehow said that, to call a ejbRemove() method, you have to activate the bean and this is a hit to the performance.
Amazing score. Good job.

19 years ago
Hello Bert,

I didn't mean the book isn't good. This book is really excellent. It helps us understand everything easily. We really appreciate it. I just want to say, to get a high score, we'd better take mock exam and study the spec.
19 years ago
You can go without taking mock exam. You are really brave.
Without taking mock, it's very hard to understand the concept. Lots concept even wasn't metioned in the Head First.

Originally posted by Deepak Saini:
Cleared SCBCD. the score was 90. I was hoping to get atleast 95. The exam was definitely very simple. I didnt take any mock test and just concentrated on the Head first book. The only regret is that I dont know which 7 questions I answered wrong. Perhaps, Sun should mention the correct answers at the end of the test to make it of more use.

19 years ago
Don't plan to take any exam recently. Next step is try to use what I learn from the three Certification into real world.

The next one I really want to try is SCEA. But I think it's better to take it after have working experience.
19 years ago
Just clear SCBCD today. Most questions are very similar with mock exam in and 6 Jdiscuss tests. Try to understand every mock question, and you won't hesitate on any real exam question.
19 years ago
The CreateException is optional, unless you declare a throws clause with CreateException. (See spec 96)
19 years ago
Hi, Carol
May I see your settings for the "path" environment?
When I run "j2ee" in the Dos environment, it shows that "The 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.". But I really set J2EE_home variable and then included %j2ee_home%\bin in the "path" environment variable.
Thanks. I just installed that. Everything I want is there.
Before, what I downloaded and installed is J2EE 1.4 all-in-one bundle. Don't know why I didn't install J2EE RI. Will check again later.