Ciriel Doos

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since Feb 02, 2005
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Joe, is there an IRC channel where you all meet so I can get some 1 on 1 on this for a bit?
If you don't want to make that public here, my e-mail is [email protected]

19 years ago
Thanks Joe, I was afraid you would say that.

p.s.: this started a few weeks ago, before that he had no problem with it.
19 years ago
Thanks Joe.

It didn't solve the problem (I even had him set it to -Xmx128M).
What happens is that he opens a java real chat and can type for a while, then his whole system freezes. This somethimes happens immediatly on enetering the channel.
When he wanted to alter the heapsize again, the setting was at -58M (no Xmx infront of it) java seemed to have set it itself in some miraculous way.

In a java dir he found a log with just this in it:
Free memory: 153232
Total memory: 524232

Does this problem sound familiar to anyone or does anyone have any tips/tricks we can try?

19 years ago
Oh and java 5 jre
19 years ago
Hello all,

I need to guide someone to adjust the heap size on windows.
I'm on linux, so I have no idea where he can set that.
He couldn't find it in the control panel.
Could anyone hold my hand for a bit and tell me where exactly he needs to set it.

His specifications are: windows 98SE, 128 RAM, IE 6, Firefox.

19 years ago