Gowher Naik

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since Feb 07, 2005
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Recent posts by Gowher Naik

Hi, I am using EasyMock for mocking and i am having problem while mocking restTemplate . My class calls "exchange" method of restTemplate which returns responseEntity<String> . Here is the method i want to test. Whenever i run the junit for this , it retuns an error message saying 7 methods expected and 5 recorded. I am using Spring 3.0.2

please suggest any solution to write a junit for this method.
11 years ago
Thanks Bill
After few attempts i am able to write code.
11 years ago

I have to send xml with request for post method using spring rest template.I tried to find some code from Google but i could not.
Can anyone let me know any working code example by which i can send xml(post method) using spring rest template.

11 years ago
select NEW org.UserDto(distinct(orgreg.contactNumber)) from OrganisationRegistration orgreg

The above query throws runtime exception due to distinct keyword.

Is there any solution available.

i am developing simple example which contains HashMap as shown below.
I am using jdk6.

After publishing I generate required artifacts of above class using wsimport.
wsimport -p ch01.misc.wsimport -keep http://localhost:8888/testmap?wsdl

The client code for above example is shown below.

Now the problem is that i am getting compile time error in client code at last line.The method get(String) is undefined for type HashMap .
The code generated by wsimport for HashMap is shown below.

Please help me.

I am using spring scheduling example as shown below.

In above example the startDelay and repeatInterval is hardcoded in .xml file.
But my requirement is to pass these values at rune time.
Because these values are comming from web GUI used by Client.

Please help me.

15 years ago
In beans.xml file i am senting JNDI as shown below

Everything is working fine.
The problem with above approch is that i am hard coding jndiName as myJNDI.
My JNDI Name changes frequently so every time i have to change beans.xml file and change value for jndiName.

I don't want to change beans.xml file every time.I want some external file where i can specify jndiName so that when change is required for JNDI name
i need to change external file only.

Thanks for Help.
Can we solve above problem without using AJAX?
16 years ago
I have a hardcoded values in first select box.The user will choose some value from first select box and based on values from first select box i have to populate the 2nd selectbox for user.The values for 2nd selectbox comes from database.Both selectbox's are on same web page.
16 years ago
I have two select box on a web page.On selecting value from first select box i have to populate 2nd select.The values for 2nd select box comes from database.I am not able to understand how i will do it using struts1.if anyone has any link please post here.

16 years ago
Is there any Plug-In available for Sun One Web Server6.0 and netbeans 5.5.

Can anyone provide me links that provides integration of Sun one web server with IBM Websphere.I tried google search but i could not find anything.

16 years ago
i have web page on websphere.Now this web page should access a java class on other server.
How it is possible?

16 years ago
First of all if you are going for SCEA5 exam you need to know EJB3.0
EJB3.0 is main part of SCEA5 exam.
According to me learning EJB3.0 before SCEA5 will make your path for SCEA5 exam quit easy.
Should you go for EJB3.0 certification or not is up to you.
In any case you should know EJB3.0 for SCEA5 exam.
EJB3 is very different from EJB2.If you still want to use HF book only read Session beans and message driven beans from HF.Don't read entity bean chapters from HF book because there is no concept of Entity beans in EJB3.