Syed Hussain

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since Feb 06, 2001
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Recent posts by Syed Hussain

Originally posted by Brahim Bakayoko:
1. Consider using stored procedures if the multiple queries are part of a single transaction.

Braham, thanks for your suggestions, especially one regarding replacing very large queries with Stored Procedures. I`ll check to see if we can do this.

Originally posted by Ilja Preuss:

How do you know his?

Ila, we do not have any process on evaluating how much time the application spends in business logic and how much it spends on database logic. So this statement is only an impression since retrieving data from database is generally the most expensive operation.
Thanks for your help.
20 years ago
We are looking to tune our SQL queries.
One suggestion that came from on of our developers is to replace multiple small queries and merge them to optimize them since the queries take a large time to cross network and reach database. When the queries are merged they become hard to understand for an average person and understanding them is very hard.
What should be the strategy related to running one large query vs running multiple small queries.
Can anybody give out pointers on how to write efficient queries and what consititutes a good query.
20 years ago
I do not get any exceptions. It is simply returning false.
20 years ago
I am calling method from a jsp deployed locally on my Windows machine and its working fine, but when I call this method from the same jsp deployed on a Linux machine it is returning false.
Why is it not able to create directories? Is this a file system security issue ?
20 years ago
I am calling method from a jsp deployed locally on my Windows machine and its working fine, but when I call this method from the same jsp deployed on a Linux machine it is returning false.
Why is it not able to create directories? Is this a file system security issue ?
20 years ago
How can we deploy a web application on root context of OC4j ?
20 years ago
I can apply a filter to any path e.g. /a/* or any extension e.g. *.jsp
but I dont know why this doesnt work in Tomcat:
How do we apply a filter mapping such that it maps to a file of jsp exntension in some folder.
21 years ago
Thanks. It worked smoothly.
21 years ago
How do we stop Directory browsing access in Tomcat 4 ?
21 years ago
I am using the Java Communications API to connect to the modem (PCTel HSP56 Micromodem). Through the AT Command set I have successfully dialed a telephone. Now I need to play an audio message on the telephone.
How is this possible ?
I have heard that the basic AT Command set is same for all Modems. Is this true ?
I would be grateful if anybody could send me sample code for this or point me to some tutorial.
21 years ago
A comparison matrix has been put on this site a long time ago and is updated regularly from time to time
Application Server Comparison Matrix
22 years ago
There are two methods for preventing a class from instantiating and only allow use of it through subclassing :
. Make the class abstract
. Make the constructor private
Which should be the preferred strategy and why ?
[ September 25, 2002: Message edited by: Syed Hussain ]
22 years ago

I also didn`t realize that a promotion was in progress.
It feels good to finally win some prize for the first time in my life.
Hmmm, this means Java Ranch really is a cool place for discussion.
Thanks for your recommendation.
I`m having a look at WebMacro since Frank has been banging on about it
Regarding Java Server Faces, what I know is Craig McClanahan is Spec Lead of both Struts and Java Server Faces. What effect will this bring to the Java Server Faces technology ?
Maybe Java Server Faces will eventually merge Struts into itself, which will be good for some and nigthmare for others

Originally posted by Pho Tek:

The downside with creating individual JSPs for CRUD functionality is the proliferation of files.
We ended up with some compromises e.g. Edit and Add shares the same form by using Runtime expressions.

Pho, What is CRUD? can you elaborate this point. Cant seem to understand it.