Respected Friends,
I am facing some problems while working with Java Beans and JSP, I am
writting a very simple JSP page which simply gets the values from a Java Bean and display it on the browser, but when ever I try to run this JSP page than tomcat is unable to recognize the Java Bean and every time it
gives me the error(exception) that CurrentTimeBean(it is the bean) is not found,all other JSP pages are running perfectly and there is also no problem with tomcat, the procedure which I am following is as follows:
1) First I create my Java Bean its name is "" than I create my jsp page which is getting values from the bean its name is
"CurrentTimeBean.jsp", I save the these two files on following location :
2) than I compile my bean from command prompt so that its class file can be generated.
3) than I go to the browser and type the following command:
http://localhost:8080/CurrentTimeBean.jsp but it gives me the error(exception) saying that CurrentTimeBean is not found, .Please tell that what mistake am I making also please note that that tomcat and all other JSP files are running perfectly but I dont know that why tomcat does not identify , the source code for and CurrentTimeBean.jsp is as follows:
The code for CurrentTimeBean.jsp is as follows:
Please reply as soon as possible.
Salman Faraz.