merwin pinto

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since Feb 16, 2005
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Recent posts by merwin pinto

I guess i will do that ... Thanks a lot
18 years ago
When i use AUTOSENSE ...... it just prints the source , and is not able to resolve HTML
18 years ago
I am trying to print HTML data using the javax.print package
Now, i am having problem defining the 'DocFlavor' ...... not sure what to give

here is the code
String is="<html> <body> <table> <tr> any Print data</tr> </table> </body></html>";
DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE;
PrintService service = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService();
DocPrintJob job = service.createPrintJob();
Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(is.getBytes(), flavor, null);
job.print(doc, null);


here it will print every thing including HTML
if i change the DocFlavor to DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.TEXT.HTML.HOST
it throws a invalid flavor exception.....

It would be great if any one could guid me to print html
Thanks a lot
18 years ago
I have a strange problem .....
i have a File object
File f=new File("./");
Gives me the path of the current directory ..... in windows
Now if i try to print the absolute path in SOLARIS it just prints
./: .....i dont understand why .... if
am i doing any thing wrong .... how do i get the present working directory and path in SOLARIS ??? any suggestions??
thanks a lot
19 years ago
hey Tony,
Thanks a lot for the information.
19 years ago
sorry that would be

form1 would be the form name that you have given in a.jsp
sorry that would be

form1 would be the form name that you have given in a.jsp
19 years ago
the following code would be in b.jsp ....
here form1 would be the form name you have give in a.jsp
the following code would be in b.jsp ....
here form1 would be the form name you have give in a.jsp
19 years ago
Hi ,
Suppose i compile a java file with java 1.5 ......
then try to run it in java 1.4 ..... Will there be version mismatch errors ?? is there some amount of Upward compatablity in Java ??
thank you
19 years ago
I wanted to know if there is a way to print using JavaScript? ..... Now the ...window.print() ...method helps us print the existing page ...
I wanted to know if JavaScript provides for .... the print options as in JAVA ...where in we can use the graphics object to print pixelwise ...without actually showing the preview ... (I mean print directly , without trying to print from a component)
the problem with the code is that ..... you have sumitted the form (document.forms[0].submit() and then you are putting the alert ...
try putting the alert before you submit the form .... since you are submitting the form the button value maybe is getting reset ...
I think you are trying to send a jsp variable as a parameter to the next page ... You could try this
in the script ...

var lastName="<%=user_lastName%>";
var firstName="<%=user_firstName%>";'somePage?fname='+firstName+'&lname='+lastName,'scrollbars=yes,width=980,height=600'
19 years ago
Hi Nick,
Thanks for the reply....Yes I want to know how to iconify my application
once it visible. Is there any method to Iconify the Frame once it is visible?
19 years ago
Is it possible to minimize a JFrame to the status-bar through the code??
19 years ago