sitaram irrinki

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since Feb 16, 2005
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Recent posts by sitaram irrinki

Is there a way to know which key has been pressed while sending request to a servlet.
Like GO,REFRESH or BACKSPACE (especially the BACKSPACE).
19 years ago
What is the diff between deep AND shallow Serialization?
Where can we include the information abt. the
Exceptions in web.xml if we don't specify the
attributes "isErrorPage" and "errorPage".?
Under which tag
19 years ago
What is serialized Bean.? Can a JSP
Instantiate a serialized bean.?
19 years ago
Is it possible to share an HtpSession b/w.
a jsp and Ejb.?
19 years ago
when i worked with JSTLs i opened TLD files.i have seen <rtexprvalue> tag.what is that?
19 years ago
if we write the form like

how we can get the form fields of inner form using servlet
19 years ago
Is there a way to know which key has been pressed while sending request to a servlet.
Like GO,REFRESH or BACKSPACE (especially the BACKSPACE).
19 years ago
Using requestdispatcher.include(request,response) we can include the
content generated by another servlet/html in the response.
The included servlet makes use of this request/response object pair.

But what is the use of this request/response pair if we are including an Html page(may be we generally don't include an Html page from a servlet but in case if we do so).
Is this just the syntax that we have to follow or is there any reason for this.
19 years ago
i have doubt pls clarify it sir
u told that instance variables r stored in heapspace and local variables are store in stack space then wat abt static variables
19 years ago
import java.util.*;
public class Wdadta {

/** Creates a new instance of Wdadta */
public Wdadta() {
public static void main(String args[])throws Exception
FileReader fr=new FileReader("c:\\java\\cv.doc");
FileWriter fw=new FileWriter("c:\\java\\cv1.doc");
char ch;
int i;
String str="";

StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(str);
String f=st.nextToken();


When I attempting t run the abovre program Unneccessary garbage values are comning.But It IS workin properly in case os text files

the solution for this using Apache POI package.if this is the case pls
tell me how to use Apache POI
19 years ago
when i am start rmiregistry after setting a classpath, i am getting following error

Warning: JIT compiler "symcjit" not found. Will use interpreter.
security properties not found. using defaults.
So, let me know the reason..
We are fetching data from DB using servlets and forwarding that data as o/p to the enduser in jsp page.if we r fetching 200 rows from the database,if it displays all the 200 rows at a time the perofrmance will be low .how can we display allthe rows at a time with out effecting the performance
19 years ago
while i am working with FILTERS in java,

1) Is it compulsary to have a servlet when working with filter and

2) if i want to call a specific servlet using filters then how should we proceed.

please explain me with an example if possible along with deployment descriptor
19 years ago
Actually my requirement is not to develop log files
. I already developed logfiles using log4j.I want to
see them in my web application. LF5appender is
swingbased logviewer.I want a web based log viewer in
my login page.
Guide me some procedure using servlets/jsp/html
19 years ago