by attempting to lessen the guilt of a rapist by shifting the blame on to what the woman was wearing you are almost condoning the actions of the rapist. both men and women have similar urges when it comes to sex, and if you're going to require that women cover up to stop men from desiring them, you should be requiring the same for men, whether or not they are less likely to get's only fair after all...
how about instead of blaming what the women was wearing, you start blaming the men who don't have the level of self control and respect for their fellow humans to stop and think about the harm they're about to commit.
i think when natural urges are repressed and the human body is considered evil, then things like rape are more likely to occur. people always lust more after what they don't have, and by repressing the antidote to those lusts, you're increasing the likely hood that they are going to be acting on in a violent manner.
it seems to me that it's a mistake to think that by removing the object of your desires, that your desire is somehow removed as desire itself is wanting what you don't have...
sure natalie portman is hot, but every day i walk down the street in australia, i see beautiful women, and while i enjoy the sight, it's hardly an earth shattering, brain imploding event...however it might be a different matter if all the women in australia had to wear veils.
i saw a study that compared the level of sexual repression to the levels of violence, domestic abuse and depression in a society and came back with a very resounding link between the two...i'd find the name of it, but i'm at work right now.
40 days and 40 nights is hardly an accurate depiction of reality, neither are commercials which are designed to play on your desires...if you are using these examples to base your ideals on, then i think you need to rethink some of them.