subramanian radhakrishnan

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since Feb 18, 2005
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Recent posts by subramanian radhakrishnan

Originally posted by Maris Orbidans:
>4. My class diagram did not violate the BDOM and it had around
>25 classes >covered also payment/award travel representations.

Did you display any J2EE specific components ? session beans, service locators, facades ?

Mark's book displays only business objects and some session beans. But I am not sure which would be the best approach.

congrats !

I had only business object representation classes - No session beans, service locators, facades.
After a wait of 3 weeks, got my result today and it is happy to see that i have cleared.

My sincere thanks to the ranchers wihtout whom i would not have got through.

Though my score is not a great one, but to share few things that i feel important:

1. Please take part 2 and 3 as soon as you are done with part1. In my case it was atleast an year after par1.

2. Finish the part2 assignment with one continuous stretch. In my case i lost the continuity due to work pressure and travel atleast twice in a span of one year.

3. Dont spend two much time on beautifying or documenting but spend time to see your class diagrams does cover every requirement as well as looks reasonably realistic. In my case i lost most of it in the class diagram

4. My class diagram did not violate the BDOM and it had around 25 classes covered also payment/award travel representations.

5. One Single component diagram clubbing both swing client as well as web client till the entity tier. Also shown the external interfaces.

6. I did only 4 sequence diagram for the 4 usecases [no login/create profile stuff]

7. Gave a reference diagram for swing MVC as well as for the packaging.

8. Nicely presented the assignment with a left nav bar having the intro,assumptions and then the class,component sequence and other ref diagrams.

However the experiance was amazing.

Anyways: this is the breakup of the result:

Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 24
Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 39 Sequence/Collaboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 12

As you see i lost most of in the class diagram [i did not review much the class diagram as i was always worried about the component diagram and the sequence diagrams which seems to be OK]

Tool Used: JUDE [an excellent free tool for UML]
Total assignment jar file size: 1.235 KB

All the best for those attempting for part2 and 3.
Hi vijayakumar,

When did you complete your part 2 and 3 and what was the total wait time for you.

Thanks guys for your reply.
I am using CMP locals and CMRs.

For the persistence tier can we design to use the EJB2.0 local interfaces and
container managed relationships. I read someone saying that we should use features pertaining to EJB 1.1 only.

Personally i dont see any reason why one should not use the above features as they are much better perforamant and improvement over the 1.1 for the assignment.

Those who had cleared part II please clarify.

thanks in advance

Originally posted by Dan Drillich:
Good Day,

The following link shows the Mediator's UML, pretty much as the GoF book has it -

I wonder whether the following change will be correct:
Removing the association from Colleague to Mediator and making the ConcreteMediator association to ConcreteColleague2 a bi-directional one.

Any thoughts?


P.S. For the first time for me, I remembered to check the Email Notification feature.
Ajith, is there a way to do it for threads to which we respond?


When u say removing the link between collegue to mediator the contract [interface level] is LOST...So u cannot do that.

Then on the bidirectional link: it is mostly bidiectional though not explicity given. because every collegue has a reference to the mediator and mediator [maintains and hence] has the reference to all the collegues....

for instance, if u take the front controller (mediator) pattern, where each view (collegue) knows its controller to ask for the transition on an event. Controller instantiates the appropriate view [as a result of the event]...

here the association is bidirectional.....

hope this helps.

Originally posted by Ravi Dhanum:

In the Change Itinerary and the Pay for Itinerary use cases, the customer is allowed to select a pre-existing itinerary. I have read previous topics which say that these itineraries are unpaid. My question is: how can they be unpaid if during the Prepare Itinerary, the Pay for Itinerary use case is called? The only way I see is that if an error occurred while trying to pay it.

What do you think? I have read and reread the use cases.

Thanks in advance.


its simple. when the usecase "pay for itinerary" is invoked - i mean when the page for the payment is requestd, ths user can very well close the browser and go. So next time, when he logs in he must be able to see those itineraries that he saved and from there he can either modify or pay for any of those itineraries.

hope this helps.

Originally posted by Yong How Lim:
Hi Subra,

I just stated in the assumption that I am using Poseidon as the tool and the component diagram will come out abit different. To play safe, I have stereotype all components with "component" stereotype.

Thanks for the reply
Thanks for the info.
Even i am using the community edition of Poseidon.
But the icons given to refer a component in a component diagram is a simple rectangle...instead of a rectangular box with two tabs on the uppler left.

Is that an issue wrt UML notation compliance?
Pls let me know how u managed it?

thanks in advance.
sorry for the typo again.
each segment [leg] of the itinerary has *one* flight[def with defined take off and landing and a flight code]
Exactly. This is how i am also looking at it. Each segment having one leg [flightdef with one takeoff and landing]
sorry, again. i would never call them as itineraries for the simple reason as they are used in the requirements with a clear-cut business meaning.

flight defintions in my desing is an implemenation stuff and i would not try to call it with the one defined by the business and confuse the whole design.

This is manily because, i mostly believe "Customer is Right" - approach as he/she knows the business beter.

moreover u need to understand onething, i have not violated anything. Still i am one to one with the flight and segmment.

But each flight has many defintiions [this is not equal to itineraries].
that means any flight can be defined to operate on a single day or not as wanted by the flight agency......?? So defintions are not the same as flight.

You need to consider flight as Product and flight definitions as Line Item.
in the BDOM u will never find a line item, but in the implemnentation they are two different things....

oh...i am done.

can any one who had cleared part II throw some light as to how u managed to
integrate the reward travel system that is GI/PERL interface.

The requirements state that:
1)FBN also has a frequent flyer mileage system that tracks mileage earned and used. To this point in FBN�s existence, it is the only system that has a web interface. And This system was developed using Perl, HTML, CGI and an Oracle database.

2) Our travel agents Java application must be able to access the system and we want our customers to have access through the Internet."

My doubt #1:
#1 above says that it has a web interface but doesnt say is it having an interface that can be used to integrated with my application cient [i am looking for something like a xml-rpc/corba or some other interfaces that can be used to integreate - but found nothing of that sort]

What i undertand is that there is a working web application developed using cgi perl. But what i need is an API [published by the award travel system] as i need to manage and look-up the cusotmer account out there in order to use the miles-earned during the pay itinerary usecase if the user opts for the same.

My doubt #1:
#2 says that both the web application [used by the cusotmer onine] as well as the java [swing] application must interface with the award travel system. But for the web application, does it require to redirect from the FBN applicaiton to the existing web application [in CGI).

If yes, the customer after having viewed his award details can enter the award information to avail the reward program while paying his itinerary...[ i am thinking of opening the legacy cgi application in a seperate browser window so that user can independaly use the reward system [but would be troublesome due to different look-n-feel]

I dont know whether this is the right assumption about integrating the two web application.

Pls help me out on the above two issus i have.

Thanks in advance.

sorry there was a typo,

when the customer selects to singapore to tokyo, the system would give the option of flight def 1.1 only.