Eduardo Marques

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Take a look here:
Knudsen's book should be the best choice for you.

16 years ago
The attribute should be declared in the JAD file and contain an URL
that is invoked to report the MIDlet installation status.

This is described in the MIDP 2.0 specs.
See also this question anwered in Sun's forum:
[ December 17, 2007: Message edited by: Eduardo Marques ]
17 years ago
For Symbian yes ... but for J2ME devices and other configurations too ...

Read at

Google Maps works with the following devices:

* Most Java-enabled (J2ME) mobile phones.
* Palm devices with Palm OS 5 and above.
* All color BlackBerry devices.
* Windows Mobile devices with Windows Mobile 2003, 5.0 and above.
* Symbian Series 60 3rd edition devices.

[ December 06, 2007: Message edited by: Eduardo Marques ]
17 years ago

I think this might be interesting to some ...

Google Maps now has a version for J2ME enabled devices.

17 years ago
For a thing like that, record it in the RMS.
You can't change the MIDlet's attributes stated in the JAD or Manifest

As to the concrete example you mention, if possible, why not use an host name instead of an IP address?

17 years ago
Google's Android also may be a blow to J2ME (and Java standardisation in general), but I wonder if it picks up. It will either be a Google stand-alone effort - and that is not of little relevance - or need endorsement from general phone manufacturers - so far it seems only Samsung joined in.

Well, J2ME does have the endorsement by virtually any manufacturer - the APIs are agreed upon by the big phone/device manufacturers after all - and I agree that it is well defined, but Sun may have missed something along the way ...

That said, J2ME is still THE standard for developing Java apps on constrained devices. And if you look at the JCP site, you'll see much effort has been devoted to it. Comparing the number of JSRs by platform you get 83 for J2ME, 44 for J2EE and 43 for J2SE.
[ November 14, 2007: Message edited by: Eduardo Marques ]
You can try using Push Registry alarms, if the device supports it.
This basically allows scheduling in time the execution of another MIDlet in the *same* MIDlet suite ie implying they are part of the same jar.
[ October 12, 2007: Message edited by: Eduardo Marques ]
17 years ago
Take a look at the following for tutorials on J2ME and Bluetooth acess
[ October 02, 2007: Message edited by: Eduardo Marques ]
17 years ago
Well, I don't know about the LG model you mention but beware that "platformRequest()" is *platform dependent*. You can't expect the same behavior in any MIDP 2.0 device.
The Javadoc for the MIDlet class documents this.
17 years ago
Also, for differences between devices you should not look only at configurations
but profiles such as MIDP or packages such as WMA.

A configuration just refers to the raw virtual machine, a profile to a set o APIs and capabilities, and packages to specific functionality (eg WMA is a SMS/MMS api).
[ October 02, 2007: Message edited by: Eduardo Marques ]
17 years ago
Devices with a CDC configuration are more likely to be for example PDAs rather than Java Phones,
though it doesn't have to be that way (eg some phones have in fact a CDC config also).

But it's more precise and better to think of CDCs as devices with more computing power that CLDC devices. It does define more classes etc ...

CDC = Connected Device Configuration
CLDC = Connected Limited Device Configuration

Look up info at


[ October 02, 2007: Message edited by: Eduardo Marques ]

[ October 02, 2007: Message edited by: Eduardo Marques ]
[ October 02, 2007: Message edited by: Eduardo Marques ]
17 years ago
No you can't have any control of the mobile browser (or any platform request) from within a MIDlet.

17 years ago
You'd better ask this question at the SCMAD forum.

Anyway, check out this SCMAD preparation site link. Also view this and other resources at the JavaRanch SCMAD Links page.


[ September 01, 2007: Message edited by: Eduardo Marques ]
17 years ago
Look this up
then here

As the picture referenced above illustrates Java FX will be deployed on top of CLDC/CDC
(also probably MIDP implictly). So Java FX is not to replace J2ME, but some aspects of its deployment are to be targetted to J2ME devices.