trivikram Kumar

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Recent posts by trivikram Kumar


Just wondering if we need to do anything else, apart from faxing SCJP score to IBM to get the instructions for ICED certificate...

I just faxed my SCJP score, so we need to inform IBM anything about it ?

Hi Gaurav:

Congratulations !!!

Enjoy !!

Hi Gaurav:

Cool..go ahead with your exam confidently..

Its not very difficult if you have really understood the basic simple concepts such as what is a usecase exactly, how to identify classes etc...

Out of my experience I feel, we need to answer all the q's one afetr the other, except that we just leave the ones that appear to take a lot of time.

We will surely have time at the end, thats when we can coolly think about those q's and then get the answers easily.

All the best ! Just think coolly, and you will do well.
I cleared IBM-486 last week with 77% and now an ICED.

The exam was not very difficult, but we need to understand Larmen's concepts and Fowlers statements.

My preparation time was 1.5 months and I read Larmens and Fowlers books at least 3-4 times to get strong hold on the topics and concepts.

There were not many questions on Design patterns.

I also used, MZ's quizzes, Bala's notes and exams, cfw exams ,ICE exam and EZ notes.

I felt the sample test was easier than the real test, might be because of reading those questions many times.

Thanks to all the ranchers for all your help.Thanks MZ for your quizzes .Thanks Patrick for your positive encouragement to not be scared about the exam.

I am very happy that I would be getting a certificate FINALLY.

Thanks all !!
Hi Jan:

Thanks a bunch for your reply.

Yeah, I referred to the notes and then I was able to get the answers to those questions, and explanations.

Can someone please help ...

I am getting confused sometimes with this type of questions.

Can anyone of you please post the answers....
Hi Ranchers:

These are some of the questions for which I am getting confused.

Can you please post the answers with the explanations .

That would help me a lot.


1) Which of the candidate object is NOT part of the following use case : Use Case : Submit a loan request Actor(s) : Applicant, Loan Clerk Description : The applicant submits a loan request for processing by the bank's integrated loan processing system. The applicant fills out a loan application and submits it to the bank for processing. The system validates information on the loan application and calculates the applicant's credit score based on credit reports and the applicant's account history with the bank. The applicant is contacted for additional information, if needed. The system makes an initial approval recommendation. The loan is now ready for the loan officer's evaluation, pending any needed manual validation of credit references.

Customer (applicant)
Loan Request
Loan Application
Credit Score
Credit Report
Account History
Processing System
Loan Officer

Has 1 correct answer


2) Which of the candidate object is NOT part of the following use case : Use Case : Evaluate Loan Request Actor : Loan Officer The loan officer reviews the online information about the pending loan request to determine if the loan request should be approved. This information includes the loan application, credit score, credit reports, the applicant's history with the bank and the system generated approval recommendation. If the loan request is approved, the loan officer marks the loan request as approved and the loan is ready to be generated.

Loan Officer
Loan Application
Credit Score
Credit Report
Account History

Has 1 correct answer

3) Which of the candidate object is NOT part of the following use case : Use Case : Process a new loan Actor : Loan Clerk Description : Once a loan agreement has been signed by the customer and returned to the bank, the loan clerk has the system create a loan account based on the agreed upon terms and conditions.

Loan Clerk
Loan Agreement
Loan Account
Terms and Conditions

This question has 1 correct answer.
[ January 16, 2007: Message edited by: trivikram Kumar ]
Yeah, I am looking , but have not got any info on that yet.

Any tips for the exam are welcome.

Waiting for any replies with any suggestions and the difficulty of the exam, when compared to MZ's quizzes.

Thanks in advance !
Hi :

I am on my way preparing for IBM-486.

I am referring to Bala's notes.

I do not find the links to chapters 5 and 6 .

Can anyone of you please let me know the reason, are there links for those or not.

Also, I took the MZ mock exam-Quiz 3 and scored around 75%.

So is the real exam near to it , may I please know the comparision.

Are there any additional practice tests ?

Thanks a bunch for your help in advance.


I am preparing for 486.

I referred to Bala's guide.

I could not find the links to chapters 5 and 6.

Can somebody please let me know , why the links are not opening for those chapters, I could open for the first 4 chapters.

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Hi Patrik:

Thanks for your reply.

I will do the same and try towards clering the exam.

Thanks a bunch for all the information Patrik.

Hi Patrik:

I meant , how much preparation time we need this short duration enough..was my question.

Thanks for the all the information Patrik.
Hi Patrik:

Thanks for your reply.

Thanks for your help.

One more question,in how many days can we prepare for this exam ?

Do we need to read all chapters of Larmen ?

Thanks a bunch for your replies,
Hi Patrik:

Took 484 yesterday and cleared with 73 %...

Oh God..the exam was not easy�.

I had to concentrate a lot to answer the questions.

There were several q�s on design patterns .

I could not see any q�s on Subject,Principals,Types of drivers etc.

I could see a lot of questions on lifecycles.

Thanks a lot for your help Patrik� it helped me to get a picture about the exam.

I am planning to take 486 �

Since you have cleared it, can you please help me in the materials and the difficulty, your score, your practices�.preparation time, your experience with it..etc..

I now want to give it a serious shot as I cleared this 484�

Will be witing for your reply Patrik. are now done taking exams..just relax and tehn you can attck something later�enjoy and have a great time ahead !
