Hi Ranchers:
These are some of the questions for which I am getting confused.
Can you please post the answers with the explanations .
That would help me a lot.
1) Which of the candidate object is NOT part of the following use case : Use Case : Submit a loan request Actor(s) : Applicant, Loan Clerk Description : The applicant submits a loan request for processing by the bank's integrated loan processing system. The applicant fills out a loan application and submits it to the bank for processing. The system validates information on the loan application and calculates the applicant's credit score based on credit reports and the applicant's account history with the bank. The applicant is contacted for additional information, if needed. The system makes an initial approval recommendation. The loan is now ready for the loan officer's evaluation, pending any needed manual validation of credit references.
Customer (applicant)
Loan Request
Loan Application
Credit Score
Credit Report
Account History
Processing System
Loan Officer
Has 1 correct answer
2) Which of the candidate object is NOT part of the following use case : Use Case : Evaluate Loan Request Actor : Loan Officer The loan officer reviews the online information about the pending loan request to determine if the loan request should be approved. This information includes the loan application, credit score, credit reports, the applicant's history with the bank and the system generated approval recommendation. If the loan request is approved, the loan officer marks the loan request as approved and the loan is ready to be generated.
Loan Officer
Loan Application
Credit Score
Credit Report
Account History
Has 1 correct answer
3) Which of the candidate object is NOT part of the following use case : Use Case : Process a new loan Actor : Loan Clerk Description : Once a loan agreement has been signed by the customer and returned to the bank, the loan clerk has the system create a loan account based on the agreed upon terms and conditions.
Loan Clerk
Loan Agreement
Loan Account
Terms and Conditions
This question has 1 correct answer.
[ January 16, 2007: Message edited by: trivikram Kumar ]