Sami Ather

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since Feb 07, 2001
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Recent posts by Sami Ather

I have installed Java Web server 2.0 on win 98. I have a strange problem wih it.
I have set my CLASSPATH in autoexec.bat as
set CLASSPATH = c:\JavaWebServer2.0\lib\servlet.jar;%CLASSPATH%
now If I try to compile a servlet, its gives me error ie javax.servlet.*; & javax.servlet.http.*; not found.
Now I tried to print my classpath from Java Program
, when I executed this program it printed simple a "." . which means that classpath is not set.
then I made a change in autoexec.bat and set classpath as
set CLASSPATH=c:\JavaWebServer2.0\lib\servlet.jar;%CLASSPATH% ( removed spaces) & rebooted my machine
after rebooting, I tried to compile my servlet, and it got compiled, so now my CLASSPATH is set , but if now I try to execute
any java program ( the program that print the classpath at run time, upper program), it wont execute.
seems to me that setting my own CLASSPATH would override the internal classpath of JVM( invisible to user) , so
consequently , the java program wont execute. I am still having no problem in compiling the program
Any suggestion
Thanx in advance
23 years ago
I have installed Java Web Server on win98.
In order to compile any servlet, one has to set classpath as c:\JavaWebserver2.0\lib\servlet.jar
If I set this variable in my autoexec.bat,like set CLASSPATH = c:\JavaWebServer2.0\lib\servlet.jar;%CLASSPATH% now If I try to compile the applet
compiler gives me error - javax.servlet.*; &
javax.servlet.http.*; not found
but if on commmand line I type
javac -classpath c:\JavaWebServer2.0\lib\servlet.jar
then servlet will compile corectly and can be executed on server any idea what is wrong in setting classpath in autoexec.bat file Thanx in Advance
23 years ago